Andrik I. Becht, Ph.D
Andrik I. Becht, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
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Dynamics of identity development in adolescence: A decade in review
S Branje, EL De Moor, J Spitzer, AI Becht
Journal of Research on Adolescence 31 (4), 908-927, 2021
The quest for identity in adolescence: Heterogeneity in daily identity formation and psychosocial adjustment across 5 years.
AI Becht, SA Nelemans, SJT Branje, WAM Vollebergh, HM Koot, ...
Developmental psychology 52 (12), 2010, 2016
Mood and emotional reactivity of adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: short-term and long-term effects and the impact of social and socioeconomic stressors
KH Green, S Van De Groep, SW Sweijen, AI Becht, M Buijzen, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11563, 2021
A review and integration of three key components of identity development
L van Doeselaar, AI Becht, TA Klimstra, WHJ Meeus
European Psychologist, 2018
Clear self, better relationships: Adolescents’ self‐concept clarity and relationship quality with parents and peers across 5 years
AI Becht, SA Nelemans, MPA Van Dijk, SJT Branje, PAC Van Lier, ...
Child development 88 (6), 1823-1833, 2017
Linking identity and depressive symptoms across adolescence: A multisample longitudinal study testing within-person effects.
AI Becht, K Luyckx, SA Nelemans, L Goossens, SJT Branje, ...
Developmental Psychology 55 (8), 1733, 2019
Daily identity dynamics in adolescence shaping identity in emerging adulthood: An 11-year longitudinal study on continuity in development
AI Becht, SA Nelemans, SJT Branje, WAM Vollebergh, WHJ Meeus
Journal of youth and adolescence, 1-18, 2021
Identity uncertainty and commitment making across adolescence: Five-year within-person associations using daily identity reports.
AI Becht, SA Nelemans, SJT Branje, WAM Vollebergh, HM Koot, ...
Developmental Psychology 53 (11), 2103, 2017
Modeling individual differences in brain development
AI Becht, KL Mills
Biological Psychiatry 88 (1), 63-69, 2020
Child personality facets and overreactive parenting as predictors of aggression and rule-breaking trajectories from childhood to adolescence
AI Becht, P Prinzie, M Deković, AL Van den Akker, RL Shiner
Development and psychopathology 28 (2), 399-413, 2016
Beyond the average brain: Individual differences in social brain development are associated with friendship quality
AI Becht, LM Wierenga, KL Mills, R Meuwese, A van Duijvenvoorde, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 16 (3), 292-301, 2021
Identity structure and processes in adolescence: Examining the directionality of between-and within-person associations
A Bogaerts, L Claes, SJ Schwartz, AI Becht, M Verschueren, A Gandhi, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 48, 891-907, 2019
Goal‐directed correlates and neurobiological underpinnings of adolescent identity: A multimethod multisample longitudinal approach
AI Becht, MGN Bos, SA Nelemans, S Peters, WAM Vollebergh, SJT Branje, ...
Child Development 89 (3), 823-836, 2018
On imbalance of impulse control and sensation seeking and adolescent risk: An intra-individual developmental test of the dual systems and maturational imbalance models
W Meeus, W Vollebergh, S Branje, E Crocetti, J Ormel, R van de Schoot, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50, 827-840, 2021
“Snooping” as a distinct parental monitoring strategy: Comparisons with overt solicitation and control
ST Hawk, A Becht, S Branje
Journal of Research on Adolescence 26 (3), 443-458, 2016
Social media use and the not-so-imaginary audience: Behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying the influence on self-concept
S Peters, R Van der Cruijsen, LPE Van der Aar, JP Spaans, AI Becht, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 48, 100921, 2021
Assessment of identity during adolescence using daily diary methods: Measurement invariance across time and sex.
AI Becht, SJT Branje, WAM Vollebergh, DF Maciejewski, PAC van Lier, ...
Psychological Assessment 28 (6), 660, 2016
Robust longitudinal multi-cohort results: The development of self-control during adolescence
MAJ Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, JS Richards, ST Kevenaar, AI Becht, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 45, 100817, 2020
Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence
M Achterberg, A Becht, R van der Cruijsen, IH van de Groep, JP Spaans, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 54, 101088, 2022
Better self-concept, better future choices? Behavioral and neural changes after a naturalistic self-concept training program for adolescents
LPE Van der Aar, S Peters, AI Becht, EA Crone
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-21, 2022
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