Assist.Prof. Jasmin Jug
Assist.Prof. Jasmin Jug
University of Zagreb Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering
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Implementation of in-situ and geophysical investigation methods (ERT & MASW) with the purpose to determine 2D profile of landslide.
S Strelec, J Mesec, K Grabar, J Jug
Acta Montanistica Slovaca 22 (4), 2017
Fragment size distribution of blasted rock mass
J Jug, S Strelec, M Gazdek, B Kavur
IOP Conference series: earth and environmental science 95 (4), 042013, 2017
New approach in the application of seismic methods for assessing surface excavatability of sedimentary rocks
J Jug, D Stanko, K Grabar, P Hrženjak
Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment 79 (7), 3797-3813, 2020
The interpretation of CPTu, PMT, SPT and Cross-Hole tests in stiff clay
B Kavur, F Dodigovic, J Jug, S Strelec
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 221 (1), 012009, 2019
Investigation of dimension stone on the Island Brač—geophysical approach to rock mass quality assessment
J Jug, K Grabar, S Strelec, F Dodigović
Geosciences 10 (3), 112, 2020
Multi-objective optimization of retaining wall using genetic algorithm
F Dodigović, K Ivandić, J Jug, K Agnezović
Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša 8 (1-2), 58-65, 2021
Podpovršinski istražni radovi (interna skripta)
S Strelec, J Jug, D Smrečki
Sveučilište u, 2012
Reducing the adverse effects of blasting on the cave ecosystem near the future exploitation field Gradusa
J Mesec, D Težak, J Jug
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 33 (4), 2018
Hydrogeological conditions of occurrence of clay interbed within varaždin aquifer
B Hlevnjak, S Strelec, J Jug
Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša 2 (2), 73-81, 2015
Influence of shear rate on the soil's shear strength
A Bek, G Jeftić, S Strelec, J Jug
Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša 8 (1-2), 39-47, 2021
Model za procjenu primjenjivosti tehnologija otkopavanja u odnosu na značajke stijenske mase
J Jug
University of Zagreb. Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, 2020
Improving rigidity of clay by using explosives and proofing by multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW)
S Strelec, J Jug, D Tezak, J Mesec
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 221 (1), 012056, 2019
Geofizičko-geotehničko istraživanje odlagališta otpada
S Strelec, K Grabar, M Gazdek, M Špiranec, D Stanko, J Jug
Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša 1 (2), 103-112, 2014
Stabilization of Shallow Landslides Induced by Rainwater Infiltration—A Case Study from Northern Croatia
J Jug, K Grabar, A Bek, S Strelec
Geotechnics 4 (1), 242-263, 2024
Methods for reducing the environmental impact of rock mass excavation
J Jug, K Grabar
Environmental Engineering-Inženjerstvo okoliša 7 (1), 29-38, 2020
Workflow for the geotechnical landslide model-case study from north Croatia
K Grabar, J Jug
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 19 (1.2), 587-594, 2019
Određivanje projektnih vrijednosti maksimalnog potresa (EUROCODE 8) primjenom višekanalne analize površinskih valova (MASW)
S Strelec, J Jug, D Stanko
Mineral (Zagreb) 3, 24-30, 2014
Ovisnost intenziteta oscilacija tla prilikom miniranja o koeficijentu svojstava stijene i načina miniranja K, i koeficijentu prigušenja n
J Mesec, S Strelec, J Jug
Drugi međunarodni naučni skup: stanje i pravci razvoja građevinarstva-GTZ i …, 2012
Comparison of the Piezocone Penetrometer (CPTU) and Flat Dilatometer (DMT) Methods for Landslide Characterisation
K Grabar, J Jug, A Bek, S Strelec
Geosciences 14 (3), 64, 2024
Geotehnička i geofizička terenska istraživanja
S Strelec, J Jug, K Grabar
Sustav trenutno ne može provesti ovu radnju. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
Članci 1–20