Romain Martinez
Romain Martinez
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
In-season session training load relative to match load in professional ice hockey
P Allard, R Martinez, S Deguire, J Tremblay
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 36 (2), 486-492, 2022
Sex differences in upper limb 3D joint contributions during a lifting task
R Martinez, J Bouffard, B Michaud, A Plamondon, JN Côté, M Begon
Ergonomics 62 (5), 682-693, 2019
EMG-assisted algorithm to account for shoulder muscles co-contraction in overhead manual handling
N Assila, C Pizzolato, R Martinez, DG Lloyd, M Begon
Applied Sciences 10 (10), 3522, 2020
Sex differences in upper limb musculoskeletal biomechanics during a lifting task
R Martinez, N Assila, E Goubault, M Begon
Applied ergonomics 86, 103106, 2020
Sex differences in glenohumeral muscle activation and coactivation during a box lifting task
J Bouffard, R Martinez, A Plamondon, JN Côté, M Begon
Ergonomics 62 (10), 1327-1338, 2019
Shoulder electromyography-based indicators to assess manifestation of muscle fatigue during laboratory-simulated manual handling task
E Goubault, R Martinez, J Bouffard, J Dowling-Medley, M Begon, ...
Ergonomics 65 (1), 118-133, 2022
Effect of expertise on shoulder and upper limb kinematics, electromyography, and estimated muscle forces during a lifting task
E Goubault, R Martinez, N Assila, É Monga-Dubreuil, J Dowling-Medley, ...
Human Factors 64 (5), 800-819, 2022
Shoulder muscle activation strategies differ when lifting or lowering a load
NA Turpin, R Martinez, M Begon
European journal of applied physiology 120, 2417-2429, 2020
Pyomeca: an open-source framework for biomechanical analysis
R Martinez, B Michaud, M Begon
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (53), 2431, 2020
Motion analysis and modeling of the shoulder: Challenges and potential applications
Y Blache, R Martinez, R Dumas, M Begon, N Hagemeister, S Duprey
DHM and Posturography, 261-271, 2019
Teoría de autómatas y lenguajes formales
I Navarrete, M Cardenas, D Sánchez, J Botía, R Marín, R Martínez
Murcia: Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana, 10-12, 2003
Développement d'indicateurs biomécaniques en manutention et leur application dans l'étude des différences entre les sexes lors de levers de charges en hauteur
R Martinez
Predicting eggbeater kick performances from hip joint function testing in artistic swimming
R Martinez, N Assila, É Monga-Dubreuil, G Desmyttere, M Begon
SportRxiv, 2022
Access to β-Hydroxyl Esters via Copper-Catalyzed Reformatsky Reaction of Ketones and Aldehydes
L Ouyang, JH Liao, YP Xia, RS Luo
Synlett 31 (14), 1418-1422, 2020
Effet de l’expertise et du sexe sur les contraintes à l’épaule en manutention
E Goubault, R Martinez, N Assila, J Dowling-Medley, É Monga-Dubreuil, ...
Shoulder muscles coordination during eccentric actions
NA Turpin, R Martinez, M Begon
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1), S421-S423, 2019
Modélisation biomécanique de l’épaule: des mesures non invasives
M Begon, R Martinez, N Assila, É Goubault
L'effet du sexe sur l'activation des muscles de l'épaule lors d'une tâche de manutention
R Martinez, M Begon
Sex-specific scapulo-humeral rhythm during a lifting task
R Martinez, B Michaud, M Begon
Gender différences in upper limb joint contributions during a lifting task
R Martinez, J Bouffard, M Begon
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