Jennifer D. Timmer
Jennifer D. Timmer
Assistant Professor, Seton Hall University
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Have gender gaps in math closed? Achievement, teacher perceptions, and learning behaviors across two ECLS-K cohorts
JR Cimpian, ST Lubienski, JD Timmer, MB Makowski, EK Miller
AERA Open 2 (4), 2332858416673617, 2016
Assessment that matters: Trending toward practices that document authentic student learning.
NA Jankowski, JD Timmer, J Kinzie, GD Kuh
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2018
Bias from potentially mischievous responders on large-scale estimates of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning (LGBQ)–heterosexual youth health disparities
JR Cimpian, JD Timmer, MA Birkett, RL Marro, BC Turner, GL Phillips
American journal of public health 108 (S4), S258-S265, 2018
Factors that support and hinder including infants with disabilities in child care
JM Weglarz-Ward, RM Santos, J Timmer
Early Childhood Education Journal 47, 163-173, 2019
“Bold problem solving”: A new construct for understanding gender differences in mathematics
ST Lubienski, CM Ganley, MB Makowski, EK Miller, JD Timmer
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 52 (1), 12-61, 2021
Unequal pay for equal work? Unpacking the gender gap in principal compensation
JA Grissom, JD Timmer, JL Nelson, RSL Blissett
Economics of Education Review 82, 102114, 2021
Mischievous responders and sexual minority youth survey data: a brief history, recent methodological advances, and implications for research and practice
JR Cimpian, JD Timmer
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (4), 1097-1102, 2020
Large-scale estimates of LGBQ-heterosexual disparities in the presence of potentially mischievous responders: A preregistered replication and comparison of methods
JR Cimpian, JD Timmer
AERA Open 5 (4), 2332858419888892, 2019
Precarious positions: Glass ceilings, glass escalators, and glass cliffs in the superintendency
JD Timmer, DS Woo
Frontiers in Education 8, 1199756, 2023
Mitigating invalid and mischievous survey responses: A registered report examining risk disparities between heterosexual and lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning youth.
JR Cimpian, JD Timmer, TH Kim
Child Development, 1-26, 2023
New Zealand style school review: A view from outside
KE Ryan, J Timmer
A developmental and negotiated approach to school self-evaluation, 195-206, 2013
Mitigating invalid and mischievous responses in examining LGBQ-heterosexual youth risk disparities
J Cimpian, J Timmer, T Kim
OSF, 2022
Using Projects to Teach Statistics in Social Sciences
JD Timmer, CJ Anderson
Teaching Statistics and Quantitative Methods in the 21st Century, 266-280, 2020
Reflections on the Registered Report Process for “Large-Scale Estimates of LGBQ-Heterosexual Disparities in the Presence of Potentially Mischievous Responders”
JR Cimpian, JD Timmer
AERA Open 6 (2), 2332858420918535, 2020
Guidance and Considerations When Performing Data‐Validity Checks
JR Cimpian, JD Timmer, TH Kim
Child development, 2025
Accountability Metrics and the Superintendency: Examining the Likelihood of Women in Precarious Positions.
J Timmer, J Bleiberg, D Woo
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2024
2023-2024 AASA Superintendent Salary & Benefits Study
T Thomas, CH Tienken, J Timmer, S Cronin, S Lott-Velez, MJ Fetherman
AASA, The School Superintendent's Association. 1615 Duke Street, Alexandria …, 2024
Faculty Research Showcase
J Buschman, M La Fountaine, JM Anderson, R Tsuria, F Jia, BE Jameson, ...
Hired to Fail? Examining Glass Cliffs in Education Leadership
J Timmer
Equity in education: Assessing policy efforts in us schools
JD Timmer
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018
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