monica rossi
monica rossi
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A new set of principles for pursuing the lean ideal in engineer-to-order manufacturers
D Powell, JO Strandhagen, I Tommelein, G Ballard, M Rossi
Procedia cirp 17, 571-576, 2014
The product service system lean design methodology (PSSLDM) integrating product and service components along the whole PSS lifecycle
G Pezzotta, C Sassanelli, F Pirola, R Sala, M Rossi, S Fotia, A Koutoupes, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29 (8), 1270-1295, 2018
Maritime 4.0–opportunities in digitalization and advanced manufacturing for vessel development
BP Sullivan, S Desai, J Sole, M Rossi, L Ramundo, S Terzi
Procedia manufacturing 42, 246-253, 2020
New product development in the fashion industry: an empirical investigation of Italian firms
R Bandinelli, R Rinaldi, M Rossi, S Terzi
International Journal of Engineering Business Management 5, 31, 2013
Towards circular lean product-service systems
D Romero, M Rossi
Procedia CIRP 64, 13-18, 2017
Towards a Lean Product Service Systems (PSS) Design: state of the art, opportunities and challenges
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, M Rossi, S Terzi, S Cavalieri
Procedia CIRP 30, 191-196, 2015
Effect of product lifecycle management on new product development performances: Evidence from the food industry
C Pinna, F Galati, M Rossi, C Saidy, R Harik, S Terzi
Computers in Industry 100, 184-195, 2018
Lean product development: a five-steps methodology for continuous improvement
M Rossi, M Taisch, S Terzi
2012 18th international ICE conference on engineering, technology and …, 2012
Evaluating the smart maturity of manufacturing companies along the product development process to set a PLM project roadmap
C Sassanelli, M Rossi, S Terzi
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 12 (3), 185-209, 2020
Lean thinking in the digital era
L Cattaneo, M Rossi, E Negri, D Powell, S Terzi
Product Lifecycle Management and the Industry of the Future: 14th IFIP WG 5 …, 2017
Design for Product Service Supportability (DfPSS) approach: a state of the art to foster Product Service System (PSS) design
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, F Pirola, S Terzi, M Rossi
Procedia CIRP 47, 192-197, 2016
Defining lean product service systems features and research trends through a systematic literature review
C Sassanelli, M Rossi, G Pezzotta, DADJ Pacheco, S Terzi
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 12 (1), 37-61, 2019
Mapping wastes in complex projects for Lean Product Development
V Belvedere, F Cuttaia, M Rossi, L Stringhetti
International Journal of Project Management 37 (3), 410-424, 2019
How to design and evaluate early PSS concepts: the Product Service Concept Tree
A Rondini, G Pezzotta, F Pirola, M Rossi, P Pina
Procedia CIRP 50, 366-371, 2016
The PSS design GuRu methodology: Guidelines and rules generation to enhance PSS detailed design
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, F Pirola, M Rossi, S Terzi
Journal of Design Research 17 (2-4), 125-162, 2019
Using design rules to guide the PSS design in an engineering platform based on the product service lifecycle management paradigm
C Sassanelli, G Pezzotta, F Pirola, R Sala, A Margarito, M Lazoi, A Corallo, ...
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 11 (2), 91-115, 2018
A serious game for introducing set-based concurrent engineering in industrial practices
E Kerga, M Rossi, M Taisch, S Terzi
Concurrent Engineering 22 (4), 333-346, 2014
Framework for analyzing customer involvement in product-service systems
K Kimita, R Sugino, M Rossi, Y Shimomura
Procedia CIRP 47, 54-59, 2016
PSS design considering feedback from the entire product-service lifecycle and social media
D Mourtzis, S Fotia, M Gamito, R Neves-Silva, A Correia, P Spindler, ...
Procedia Cirp 47, 156-161, 2016
Towards a new society: Solving the dilemma between Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0
M Dautaj, M Rossi
IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 523-536, 2021
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