Victor F. Tarasenko (Виктор Федотович Тарасенко)
Victor F. Tarasenko (Виктор Федотович Тарасенко)
Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS (Институт сильноточной электроники СО РАН)
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Applications of capacitive and barrier discharge excilamps in photoscience
EA Sosnin, T Oppenländer, VF Tarasenko
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 7 (4 …, 2006
Compact solid-state switched pulsed power and its applications
W Jiang, K Yatsui, K Takayama, M Akemoto, E Nakamura, N Shimizu, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 92 (7), 1180-1196, 2004
The electron runaway mechanism in dense gases and the production of high–power subnanosecond electron beams
YSI Tarasenko V.F.
Phys. Usp. 47, 887–907, 2004
Pulsed gas lasers
GA Mesi︠a︡t︠s︡, GA Mesi︠a︡t︠s︡, VV Osipov, VF Tarasenko
SPIE Press, 1995
Generation of supershort avalanche electron beams and formation of diffuse discharges in different gases at high pressure
DVR V.F. Tarasenko, E.K. Baksht, A.G. Burachenko, I.D. Kostyrya, M.I. Lomaev
Plasma Devices and Operation 16 (4), 267–298, 2008
Diffuse discharge, runaway electron, and x-ray in atmospheric pressure air in an inhomogeneous electrical field in repetitive pulsed modes
T Shao, C Zhang, Z Niu, P Yan, VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, AG Burahenko, ...
Applied Physics Letters 98 (2), 2011
Эксилампы—эффективные источники спонтанного УФ-и ВУФ-излучения
МИ Ломаев, ВС Скакун, ЭА Соснин, ВФ Тарасенко, ДВ Шитц, ...
Успехи физических наук 173 (2), 201-217, 2003
Excilamps: efficient sources of spontaneous UV and VUV radiation
MVE M.I. Lomaev, V.S. Skakun, E.A. Sosnin, V.F. Tarasenko, D.V. Shitts
Phys. Usp. 46 (2), 193–209, 2003
Runaway electrons preionized diffuse discharges
VF Tarasenko, EK Baksht, DV Ryhka, MI Lomaev
New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2015
Supershort electron beam from air filled diode at atmospheric pressure
VF Tarasenko, SA Shunailov, VG Shpak, ID Kostyrya
Laser and particle beams 23 (4), 545-551, 2005
Runaway-electron-preionized diffuse discharge at atmospheric pressure and its application
EH Baksht, AG Burachenko, ID Kostyrya, MI Lomaev, DV Rybka, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (18), 185201, 2009
Forming of an electron beam and a volume discharge in air at atmospheric pressure
VF Tarasenko, VM Orlovskii, SA Shunailov
Russian physics journal 46 (3), 325-327, 2003
High-power subnanosecond beams of runaway electrons and volume discharge formation in gases at atmospheric pressure
VF Tarasenko, SI Yakovlenko
Plasma devices and operations 13 (4), 231-279, 2005
Механизм убегания электронов в плотных газах и формирование мощных субнаносекундных электронных пучков
ВФ Тарасенко, СИ Яковленко
Успехи физических наук 174 (9), 953-971, 2004
Diffuse discharge produced by repetitive nanosecond pulses in open air, nitrogen, and helium
T Shao, VF Tarasenko, C Zhang, EK Baksht, D Zhang, MV Erofeev, C Ren, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (9), 2013
Runaway electrons in diffuse gas discharges
V Tarasenko
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (3), 034001, 2020
Removal of pharmaceutical residues from water and wastewater using dielectric barrier discharge methods—A review
ES Massima Mouele, JO Tijani, KO Badmus, O Pereao, O Babajide, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (4), 1683, 2021
High-power subnanosecond beams of runaway electrons generated in dense gases
VF Tarasenko, SI Yakovlenko
Physica scripta 72 (1), 41, 2005
A critical review on ozone and co-species, generation and reaction mechanisms in plasma induced by dielectric barrier discharge technologies for wastewater remediation
ESM Mouele, JO Tijani, KO Badmus, O Pereao, O Babajide, OO Fatoba, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (5), 105758, 2021
Spark discharge formation in an inhomogeneous electric field under conditions of runaway electron generation
T Shao, VF Tarasenko, C Zhang, MI Lomaev, DA Sorokin, P Yan, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (2), 2012
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