Članci s nalozima za javni pristup - Aleš StražeSaznajte više
Nije dostupno nigdje: 2
The use of ultrasound velocity and damping for the detection of internal structural defects in standing trees of European beech and Norway spruce
L Krajnc, A Kadunc, A Straže
Holzforschung 73 (9), 807-816, 2019
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Characterisation and Modelling of Drying Kinetics of Thin Ash and Oak Wood Lamellas Dried with Infrared Radiation and Hot Air.
A Straže, M Klarić, Z Budrović, S Pervan
Wood Industry/Drvna Industrija 71 (2), 2020
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Dostupno negdje: 29
Hygromorphic response dynamics of 3D-printed wood-PLA composite bilayer actuators
D Krapež Tomec, A Straže, A Haider, M Kariž
Polymers 13 (19), 3209, 2021
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Lastnosti bukovine in njena raba: Properties of beechwood and its use
K Čufar, Ž Gorišek, M Merela, J Kropivšek, DG Bučar, A Straže
Les/Wood 66 (1), 27-39, 2017
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Compression test of thermally-treated beech wood: experimental and numerical analysis
G Fajdiga, B Zafošnik, B Gospodarič, A Straže
BioResources 11 (1), 223-234, 2016
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Durability and mechanical performance of differently treated glulam beams during two years of outdoor exposure
D Kržišnik, S Grbec, B Lesar, D Plavčak, B Šega, M Šernek, A Straže, ...
Drvna industrija 71 (3), 243-252, 2020
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Hygro-mechanical behavior of thermally treated beech subjected to compression loads
A Straže, G Fajdiga, S Pervan, Ž Gorišek
Construction and Building Materials 113, 28-33, 2016
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Nondestructive Characterization of Dry Heat-Treated Fir (Abies Alba Mill.) Timber in View of Possible Structural Use
A Straže, G Fajdiga, B Gospodarič
Forests 9 (12), 776, 2018
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Drying characteristics of wood of invasive tree species growing in an urban environment: Določanje sušilnih karakteristik lesa invazivnih drevesnih vrst rastočih v urbanem okolju
D Plavčak, Ž Gorišek, A Straže, M Merela
Les/Wood 68 (2), 31-43, 2019
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Tehnološke lastnosti in uporabnost lesa velikega pajesena v primerjavi z lesom velikega jesena: Technological properties and usability of Chinese sumac wood
Ž Gorišek, D Plavčak, A Straže, M Merela
Les/Wood 67 (2), 29-44, 2018
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Comparison of the vibration damping of the wood species used for the body of an electric guitar on the vibration response of open-strings
T Ray, J Kaljun, A Straže
Materials 14 (18), 5281, 2021
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Selection of wood based on acoustic properties for the solid body of electric guitar
A Zorič, J Kaljun, E Žveplan, A Straže
Archives of acoustics, 51-58-51-58, 2019
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Identifikacija verig vrednosti v slovenskem gozdno-lesnem biogospodarstvu
A Straže, DG Bučar, J Kropivšek
Les/Wood 72 (1), 21-34, 2023
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Spremembe fizikalnih lastnosti hrastovega lesa iz zgodovinskih konstrukcij v življenjski dobi: Changes in physical properties of oak wood from historical constructions during …
A Straže, M Dremelj, E Žveplan, K Čufar
Les/Wood 67 (1), 5-14, 2018
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Tree-ring chronologies of Picea abies, Larix decidua and Fagus sylvatica along altitudinal gradients: Kronologije širin branik drevesnih vrst Picea abies, Larix decidua in …
K Novak, M De Luis, N Škrk, A Straže, K Čufar
Les/Wood 71 (1), 31-46, 2022
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Quality and Price of Spruce Logs, Determined Conventionally and by Dendrochronological and NDE Techniques
A Straže, K Novak, K Čufar
Forests 13 (5), 729, 2022
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Kvalitativna/strateška analiza izbranih verig vrednosti v slovenskem gozdno-lesnem biogospodarstvu
J Kropivšek, A Straže, DG Bučar
Les/Wood 72 (1), 35-48, 2023
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
The influence of processing conditions on the quality of bent solid wood from European oak
A Straže, J Žigon, S Pervan, M Mikšik, S Prekrat
Forests 14 (5), 1047, 2023
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Linking visual and stress wave grading of beech wood from the log to the sawmill product
A Straže, D Plavčak, E Žveplan, Ž Gorišek
Environmental Sciences Proceedings 3 (1), 65, 2020
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
Akustične lastnosti bukovine po hidrotermični obdelavi
E Žveplan, A Straže
Les 66 (2), 5-14, 2017
Nalozi: Slovenian Research Agency
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