Masoud Hoore
Masoud Hoore
Owner of Investophilia, Senior Software Engineer at SimCorp
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Influence of particle size and shape on their margination and wall-adhesion: implications in drug delivery vehicle design across nano-to-micro scale
M Cooley, A Sarode, M Hoore, DA Fedosov, S Mitragotri, AS Gupta
Nanoscale 10 (32), 15350-15364, 2018
Active particles induce large shape deformations in giant lipid vesicles
HR Vutukuri, M Hoore, C Abaurrea-Velasco, L van Buren, A Dutto, T Auth, ...
Nature 586 (7827), 52-56, 2020
Margination and stretching of von Willebrand factor in the blood stream enable adhesion
K Rack, V Huck, M Hoore, DA Fedosov, SW Schneider, G Gompper
Scientific reports 7 (1), 14278, 2017
Nonlinear size-dependent forced vibrational behavior of microbeams based on a non-classical continuum theory
MH Kahrobaiyan, M Asghari, M Hoore, MT Ahmadian
Journal of Vibration and Control 18 (5), 696-711, 2012
Effect of spectrin network elasticity on the shapes of erythrocyte doublets
M Hoore, F Yaya, T Podgorski, C Wagner, G Gompper, DA Fedosov
Soft matter 14 (30), 6278-6289, 2018
Modeling the cleavage of von Willebrand factor by ADAMTS13 protease in shear flow
B Huisman, M Hoore, G Gompper, DA Fedosov
Medical engineering & physics 48, 14-22, 2017
Critical behavior of a small-world sandpile model
M Hoore, S Moghimi-Araghi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (19), 195001, 2013
Mathematical Model Shows How Sleep May Affect Amyloid-β Fibrillization
M Hoore, S Khailaie, G Montaseri, T Mitra, M Meyer-Hermann
Biophysical Journal 119 (4), 862-872, 2020
Flow-induced adhesion of shear-activated polymers to a substrate
M Hoore, K Rack, D Fedosov, G Gompper
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (6), 064001, 2018
Chronology of motor-mediated microtubule streaming
A Ravichandran, Ö Duman, M Hoore, G Saggiorato, GA Vliegenthart, ...
eLife 8, e39694, 2019
Brain geometry matters in Alzheimer’s disease progression: a simulation study
M Hoore, J Kelling, M Sayadmanesh, T Mitra, M Schips, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.07. 24.220228, 2020
Sculpting vesicles with active particles: Less is more
HR Vutukuri, M Hoore, C Abaurrea-Velasco, L van Buren, A Dutto, T Auth, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.02381, 2019
Sculpting vesicles with active particles: Less is more
H Rao Vutukuri, M Hoore, C Abaurrea-Velasco, L van Buren, A Dutto, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1911.02381, 2019
Modeling Primary Hemostasis
M Hoore
Universität zu Köln, 2018
Mechanical Dissociation of Platelet Aggregates in Blood Stream
M Hoore, DA Fedosov, G Gompper
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 62, 2017
Deformation of Protein Embedded Vesicles in Shear Flow
M Hoore
Margination and stretching of von Willebrand factor in the blood stream enable adhesion. Sci Rep 7: 14278
K Rack, V Huck, M Hoore, DA Fedosov, SW Schneider, G Gompper
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL for Margination and stretching of von Willebrand factor in the blood stream enable adhesion
K Rack, V Huck, M Hoore, DA Fedosov, SW Schneider, G Gompper
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