Irena Konecki
Irena Konecki
Ostala imenaIrena Kedmenec
Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na - Početna stranica
Are some cultures more favourable for social entrepreneurship than others?
I Kedmenec, S Strašek
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 30 (1), 1461-1476, 2017
The impact of individual characteristics on intentions to pursue social entrepreneurship
I Kedmenec, M Rebernik, J Perić
Ekonomski pregled 66 (2), 119-137, 2015
The role of bonding and bridging cognitive social capital in shaping entrepreneurial intention in transition economies
K Vuković, I Kedmenec, K Postolov, K Jovanovski, D Korent
Management: journal of contemporary management issues 22 (1), 1-33, 2017
Social Entrepreneurship Education and Its Association with Perceived Desirability and Feasibility of Social Entrepreneurship among Business Students
I Kedmenec, M Rebernik, P Tominc
Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 18 (4), 1035-1065, 2016
The Impact of exposure to entrepreneurship education on student entrepreneurial intentions
K Vuković, I Kedmenec, D Korent
Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje 17 (4 …, 2015
Gender differences in the usage of resources in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification process in Slovenia and Croatia
I Kedmenec, P Tominc, M Rebernik
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 27 (1), 366-377, 2014
Poticanje samostalnijeg tržišnog nastupa: stavovi hrvatskih poljoprivrednika
T Cvrtnjak, K Vuković, I Kedmenec
Ekonomska misao i praksa 22 (1), 161-176, 2013
Service Learning as a lever for rural social entrepreneurship development in Croatia
K Detelj, I Kedmenec, K Vukovic
Economic and Social Development: Book of Proceedings, 461-468, 2018
The impact of individual, social and cultural factors on the social entrepreneurial intentions of business students
I Kedmenec
PQDT-Global, 2015
Using ICT tools for decision making support in local government units
N Kadoić, I Kedmenec
2016 39th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2016
Effect of rurality and human capital resources in the entrepreneurial opportunity identification process
I Kedmenec, U Šebjan, P Tominc
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy 61 (2), 35-44, 2015
The potential of ICT-enabled social innovation
I Kedmenec, K Detelj, N Kadoić
2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2019
Discourse of social entrepreneurs in Croatia
K Vuković, I Kedmenec, K Detelj
5th RSEP Social Science Conference, Conference Proceedings/Kaya, M. Veysel …, 2017
Uloga obrazovanja u stvaranju kulture poduzetnosti
K Vuković, I Kedmenec, J Horvat, D Korent
Učenje za poduzetništvo 1 (1), 297-310, 2011
Testing Gibrat's Law on Software Companies in Croatia
K Vukovic, D Korent, I Kedmenec
Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 86, 2014
Exploring the quality of mission statements on Croatia's corporate websites
J Horvat, I Kedmenec, I Malbasic
Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 243, 2010
Poduzetnički identitet hrvatskih poljoprivrednika
T Cvrtnjak, K Vuković, I Kedmenec
Ekonomski pregled 63 (7-8), 397-423, 2012
Comparison of the activities of commercial and social entrepreneurs on Facebook
L Vinko, I Konecki, K Vuković
Ekonomska misao i praksa, 0-0, 2024
Exploring capabilities of contrast mining application in SWOT analysis
D Oreski, I Kedmenec, B Klicek
Publication name, 210, 2016
Benefits and challenges of developing enterprise zones: the case of Varazdin County
B Vidović, I Kedmenec
Publication name, 360, 2016
Sustav trenutno ne može provesti ovu radnju. Pokušajte ponovo kasnije.
Članci 1–20