Bin Xie
Bin Xie
InfoBeyond Technology LLC
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Thermal conductivity of polymer-based composites with magnetic aligned hexagonal boron nitride platelets
C Yuan, B Duan, L Li, B Xie, M Huang, X Luo
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (23), 13000-13006, 2015
Issues in integrating cellular networks WLANs, AND MANETs: a futuristic heterogeneous wireless network
D Cavalcanti, D Agrawal, C Cordeiro, B Xie, A Kumar
IEEE Wireless communications 12 (3), 30-41, 2005
Efficient mesh router placement in wireless mesh networks
J Wang, B Xie, K Cai, DP Agrawal
2007 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 1-9, 2007
Intrusion detection in homogeneous and heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
Y Wang, X Wang, B Xie, D Wang, DP Agrawal
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 7 (6), 698-711, 2008
Coverage and lifetime optimization of wireless sensor networks with gaussian distribution
D Wang, B Xie, DP Agrawal
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 7 (12), 1444-1458, 2008
Improved single image dehazing using dark channel prior and multi-scale retinex
B Xie, F Guo, Z Cai
2010 international conference on intelligent system design and engineering …, 2010
Post-training quantization on diffusion models
Y Shang, Z Yuan, B Xie, B Wu, Y Yan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Optimizing deployment of internet gateway in wireless mesh networks
B He, B Xie, DP Agrawal
Computer Communications 31 (7), 1259-1275, 2008
Increasing lifetime of wireless sensor networks using controllable mobile cluster heads
T Banerjee, B Xie, JH Jun, DP Agrawal
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 10 (3), 313-336, 2010
Optimizing the internet gateway deployment in a wireless mesh network
B He, B Xie, DP Agrawal
2007 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 1-9, 2007
A facile route to synthesize CdSe/ZnS thick-shell quantum dots with precisely controlled green emission properties: towards QDs based LED applications
J Hao, H Liu, J Miao, R Lu, Z Zhou, B Zhao, B Xie, J Cheng, K Wang, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12048, 2019
An interface capturing method with a continuous function: The THINC method on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes
S Ii, B Xie, F Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics 259, 260-269, 2014
Fault tolerant multiple event detection in a wireless sensor network
T Banerjee, B Xie, DP Agrawal
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 68 (9), 1222-1234, 2008
On secure communication in integrated heterogeneous wireless networks
B Xie, A Kumar, D Zhao, R Reddy, B He
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and …, 2010
Colored radiative cooling: progress and prospects
B Xie, Y Liu, W Xi, R Hu
Materials Today Energy 34, 101302, 2023
Blue light hazard optimization for white light-emitting diode sources with high luminous efficacy of radiation and high color rendering index
J Zhang, W Guo, B Xie, X Yu, X Luo, T Zhang, Z Yu, H Wang, X Jin
Optics & Laser Technology 94, 193-198, 2017
Yanbao: a mobile app using the measurement of clinical parameters for glaucoma screening
F Guo, Y Mai, X Zhao, X Duan, Z Fan, B Zou, B Xie
IEEE Access 6, 77414-77428, 2018
Selfishness in mesh networks: wired multihop MANETs
L Santhanam, B Xie, DP Agrawal
IEEE Wireless Communications 15 (4), 16-23, 2008
An integrated thermal biosensor array for multianalyte determination demonstrated with glucose, urea and penicillin
B Xie, B Danielsson
Analytical letters 29 (11), 1921-1932, 1996
Wsn03-5: Load-balancing and inter-domain mobility for wireless mesh networks
B Xie, Y Yu, A Kumar, DP Agrawal
IEEE Globecom 2006, 1-6, 2006
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