Thilo Lang
Thilo Lang
Abteilungsleiter für Regionale Geographie, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Shrinkage, metropolization and peripheralization in East Germany
T Lang
European Planning Studies 20 (10), 1747-1754, 2012
Insights in the British debate about urban decline and urban regeneration
T Lang
Working paper, 2005
Urban resilience and new institutional theory–A happy couple for urban and regional studies?
T Lang
German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy 2010: Urban Regional Resilience …, 2010
‘Left behind places’: a geographical etymology
A Pike, V Béal, N Cauchi-Duval, R Franklin, N Kinossian, T Lang, ...
Regional Studies 58 (6), 1167-1179, 2024
Socio-economic and political responses to regional polarisation and socio-spatial peripheralisation in Central and Eastern Europe: a research agenda
T Lang
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 64 (3), 171-185, 2015
Understanding geographies of polarization and peripheralization : perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond
T Lang, S Henn, W Sgibnev, K Ehrlich
Palgrave, 2015
Stadt Umbau: Von der schrumpfenden Stadt zur Lean City: Prozesse und Auswirkungen der Stadtschrumpfung in Ostdeutschland und deren Bewältigung
T Lang
Dortmunder Vertrieb für Bau-und Planungsliteratur, 2003
Re-thinking non-core regions: planning strategies and practices beyond growth
B Leick, T Lang
European planning studies 26 (2), 213-228, 2018
How do cities and regions adapt to socio-economic crisis? Towards an institutionalist approach to urban and regional resilience
T Lang
Raumforschung und Raumordnung 70 (4), 285-291, 2012
Peripheralisation: A politics of place, affect, perception and representation
J Willett, T Lang
Sociologia Ruralis 58 (2), 258-275, 2018
Regional and local development in times of polarisation: Re-thinking spatial policies in Europe
T Lang, F Görmar
Springer Nature, 2019
Umgang mit der schrumpfenden Stadt–ein Debattenüberblick
B Brandstetter, T Lang, A Pfeifer
Berliner Debatte Initial 16 (6), 55-68, 2005
Metropolitan region policies in the European Union: following national, European or neoliberal agendas?
T Lang, I Török
International Planning Studies 22 (1), 1-13, 2017
Urban development in Central and Eastern Europe–between Peripheralization and centralization?
K Ehrlich, A Kriszan, T Lang
disP-The Planning Review 48 (2), 77-92, 2012
Return migration and regional development in Europe: Mobility against the stream
R Nadler, Z Kovács, B Glorius, T Lang
Springer, 2016
Regional development issues in Central and Eastern Europe: shifting research agendas from a focus on peripheries to peripheralisation
T Lang
Geography in Visegrad and neighbour countries 57, 64, 2011
Re-thinking regional and local policies in times of polarisation: an introduction
F Görmar, T Lang, E Nagy, G Raagmaa
Regional and local development in times of polarisation: Re-thinking spatial …, 2019
Understanding new geographies of Central and Eastern Europe
Research Group, Production of Space in the Context of Polarisation and ...
Understanding geographies of polarization and peripheralization …, 2015
Socio-spatial polarisation and policy response: Perspectives for regional development in the Baltic States
T Lang, D Burneika, R Noorkõiv, B Plüschke-Altof, G Pociūtė-Sereikienė, ...
European Urban and Regional Studies 29 (1), 21-44, 2022
Introduction: Mobility against the stream? New concepts, methodological approaches and regional perspectives on return migration in Europe
T Lang, B Glorius, R Nadler, Z Kovács
Return migration and regional development in Europe: mobility against the …, 2016
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