Luca Lanotte
Luca Lanotte
INRAE - Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement
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Red cells’ dynamic morphologies govern blood shear thinning under microcirculatory flow conditions
L Lanotte, J Mauer, S Mendez, DA Fedosov, JM Fromental, V Claveria, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (47), 13289-13294, 2016
Flow-induced transitions of red blood cell shapes under shear
J Mauer, S Mendez, L Lanotte, F Nicoud, M Abkarian, G Gompper, ...
Physical review letters 121 (11), 118103, 2018
Red blood cell clustering in Poiseuille microcapillary flow
G Tomaiuolo, L Lanotte, G Ghigliotti, C Misbah, S Guido
Physics of Fluids 24 (5), 051903, 2012
Microconfined flow behavior of red blood cells
G Tomaiuolo, L Lanotte, R D'Apolito, A Cassinese, S Guido
Medical engineering & physics 38 (1), 11-16, 2016
Magneto-piezoresistance in magnetorheological elastomers for magnetic induction gradient or position sensors
G Ausanio, V Iannotti, E Ricciardi, L Lanotte, L Lanotte
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 205, 235-239, 2014
Red blood cell dynamics in polymer brush-coated microcapillaries: A model of endothelial glycocalyx in vitro
L Lanotte, G Tomaiuolo, C Misbah, L Bureau, S Guido
Biomicrofluidics 8 (1), 014104, 2014
Role of red cells and plasma composition on blood sessile droplet evaporation
L Lanotte, D Laux, B Charlot, M Abkarian
Physical Review E 96 (5), 053114, 2017
Flow reduction in microchannels coated with a polymer brush
L Lanotte, S Guido, C Misbah, P Peyla, L Bureau
Langmuir 28 (38), 13758-13764, 2012
Magneto-piezoresistance in elastomagnetic composites
G Ausanio, CL Hison, V Iannotti, L Lanotte, L Lanotte
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (6), 063903, 2011
Skin layer stratification in drying droplets of dairy colloids
M Yu, C Le Floch-Fouéré, L Pauchard, F Boissel, N Fu, XD Chen, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 126560, 2021
Drying-induced mechanisms of skin formation in mixtures of high protein dairy powders
L Lanotte, F Boissel, P Schuck, R Jeantet, C Le Floch-Fouéré
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 553, 20-27, 2018
Solute mechanical properties impact on the drying of dairy and model colloidal systems
C Le Floch-Fouéré, L Lanotte, R Jeantet, L Pauchard
Soft Matter, 2019
Magneto-piezoresistivity in iron particle-filled silicone: an alternative outlook for reading magnetic field intensity and direction
V Iannotti, G Ausanio, L Lanotte, L L.
Express Polymer Letters 10 (1), 65-71, 2016
Dispersion of sepiolite rods in nanofibers by electrospinning
L Lanotte, C Bilotti, L Sabetta, G Tomaiuolo, S Guido
Polymer 54 (4), 1295-1297, 2013
Towards more biomimetic and sustainable infant formula: challenges and future opportunities
A Deglaire, J Lee, L Lanotte, T Croguennec, C Le Floch-Fouéré, ...
Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2023
In vitro red blood cell segregation in sickle cell anemia
V Clavería, P Connes, L Lanotte, C Renoux, P Joly, R Fort, A Gauthier, ...
Frontiers in Physics, 712, 2022
Optimization of the coupling between piezoresistivity and magnetoelasticity in an elastomagnetic composite to sense a spatial gradient of the magnetic field
G Ausanio, V Iannotti, L Lanotte, L Lanotte
The European Physical Journal B 86 (2), 51, 2013
Torsional oscillation monitoring by means of a magnetoelastic resonator: modeling and experimental functionalization to measure viscosity of liquids
L Lanotte, G Ausanio, V Iannotti, G Tomaiuolo, L Lanotte
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2019
Deformation and aggregation of red blood cells and vesicles flowing in microchannels
L Lanotte
PhD thesis, Università degli Studi Federico II di Napoli & Université Joseph …, 2013
An alternative approach for measuring yield stress and its application in Carbopol microgel
V Iannotti, L Lanotte, G Tomaiuolo, G Ausanio, R Graziano, L Lanotte
Rheologica Acta, 1-14, 2021
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