Aurelia Sole
Detection of flood-prone areas using digital elevation models
S Manfreda, M Di Leo, A Sole
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 16 (10), 781-790, 2011
Neural networks and landslide susceptibility: a case study of the urban area of Potenza
D Caniani, S Pascale, F Sdao, A Sole
Natural Hazards 45, 55-72, 2008
Investigation on the use of geomorphic approaches for the delineation of flood prone areas
S Manfreda, F Nardi, C Samela, S Grimaldi, AC Taramasso, G Roth, ...
Journal of hydrology 517, 863-876, 2014
A GIS tool for cost-effective delineation of flood-prone areas
C Samela, R Albano, A Sole, S Manfreda
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 70, 43-52, 2018
Flood-prone areas assessment using linear binary classifiers based on flood maps obtained from 1D and 2D hydraulic models
S Manfreda, C Samela, A Gioia, GG Consoli, V Iacobellis, L Giuzio, ...
Natural Hazards 79, 735-754, 2015
A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model for 3D solid body transport in free surface flows
A Amicarelli, R Albano, D Mirauda, G Agate, A Sole, R Guandalini
Computers & fluids 116, 205-228, 2015
DEM-based approaches for the delineation of flood-prone areas in an ungauged basin in Africa
C Samela, S Manfreda, FD Paola, M Giugni, A Sole, M Fiorentino
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21 (2), 06015010, 2016
A participatory system dynamics modeling approach to facilitate collaborative flood risk management: A case study in the Bradano River (Italy)
A Perrone, A Inam, R Albano, J Adamowski, A Sole
Journal of Hydrology 580, 124354, 2020
A GIS-based model to estimate flood consequences and the degree of accessibility and operability of strategic emergency response structures in urban areas
R Albano, A Sole, J Adamowski, L Mancusi
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (11), 2847-2865, 2014
Modelling large floating bodies in urban area flash-floods via a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model
R Albano, A Sole, D Mirauda, J Adamowski
Journal of Hydrology 541, 344-358, 2016
SPHERA v. 9.0. 0: A Computational Fluid Dynamics research code, based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics mesh-less method
A Amicarelli, S Manenti, R Albano, G Agate, M Paggi, L Longoni, ...
Computer Physics Communications 250, 107157, 2020
Assessment methodology for the prediction of landslide dam hazard
SF Dal Sasso, A Sole, S Pascale, F Sdao, A Bateman Pinzón, V Medina
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (3), 557-567, 2014
The information content theory for the estimation of the topographic index distribution used in TOPMODEL
G Mendicino, A Sole
Hydrological Processes 11 (9), 1099-1114, 1997
A model for assessing the systemic vulnerability in landslide prone areas
S Pascale, F Sdao, A Sole
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (7), 1575-1590, 2010
Landslide susceptibility mapping using artificial neural network in the urban area of Senise and San Costantino Albanese (Basilicata, Southern Italy)
S Pascale, S Parisi, A Mancini, M Schiattarella, M Conforti, A Sole, ...
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2013: 13th International …, 2013
Collaborative strategies for sustainable EU flood risk management: FOSS and geospatial tools—challenges and opportunities for operative risk analysis
R Albano, L Mancusi, A Sole, J Adamowski
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4 (4), 2704-2727, 2015
Can the basin morphology alone provide an insight into floodplain delineation?
S Manfreda, A Sole, M Fiorentino
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 118, 47-56, 2008
FloodRisk: a collaborative, free and open-source software for flood risk analysis
R Albano, L Mancusi, A Sole, J Adamowski
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 8 (2), 1812-1832, 2017
READY: A web-based geographical information system for enhanced flood resilience through raising awareness in citizens
R Albano, A Sole, J Adamowski
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (7), 1645-1658, 2015
Using FloodRisk GIS freeware for uncertainty analysis of direct economic flood damages in Italy
R Albano, A Sole, J Adamowski, A Perrone, A Inam
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 73 …, 2018
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