Anupama Sharma
Anupama Sharma
Assistant Professor
Potvrđena adresa e-pošte na
Modeling and analysis of effects of awareness programs by media on the spread of infectious diseases
AK Misra, A Sharma, JB Shukla
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (5-6), 1221-1228, 2011
Effect of awareness programs by media on the epidemic outbreaks: a mathematical model
S Samanta, S Rana, A Sharma, AK Misra, J Chattopadhyay
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (12), 6965-6977, 2013
Effect of awareness programs in controlling the prevalence of an epidemic with time delay
AK Misra, A Sharma, V Singh
Journal of Biological Systems 19 (02), 389-402, 2011
Stability analysis and optimal control of an epidemic model with awareness programs by media
AK Misra, A Sharma, JB Shukla
Biosystems 138, 53-62, 2015
Modeling the impact of awareness created by media campaigns on vaccination coverage in a variable population
A Sharma, AK Misra
Journal of Biological Systems 22 (02), 249-270, 2014
A mathematical model for control of vector borne diseases through media campaigns
AK Misra, A Sharma, J Li
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 18 (7), 2013
Backward bifurcation in a smoking cessation model with media campaigns
A Sharma, AK Misra
Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (3-4), 1087-1098, 2015
Capturing the interplay between malware and anti-malware in a computer network
AK Misra, M Verma, A Sharma
Applied Mathematics and Computation 229, 340-349, 2014
Spatial segregation and cooperation in radially expanding microbial colonies under antibiotic stress
A Sharma, KB Wood
The ISME Journal, 1-15, 2021
Epidemic prevalence information on social networks can mediate emergent collective outcomes in voluntary vaccine schemes
A Sharma, SN Menon, V Sasidevan, S Sinha
PLoS computational biology 15 (5), e1006977, 2019
INDSCI-SIM A state-level epidemiological model for India
S Shekatkar, B Pujari, M Arjunwadkar, DK Hazra, P Chaudhuri, S Sinha, ...
Ongoing study at https://indscicov. in/indscisim. Accessed Sept, 2020
An Interactive Simulator for COVID-19 Trend Analysis
J Deshmukh, RP Subbanarasimha, P Bassin, VS Bitra, S Srinivasa, ...
8th ACM IKDD CODS and 26th COMAD, 385-389, 2021
Spatio-temporal patterns in a cholera transmission model
AK Misra, M Tiwari, A Sharma
Journal of Biological Systems 23 (03), 471-484, 2015
Quantifying the effect of demographic stochasticity on the smoking epidemic in the presence of economic stimulus
A Sharma
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 549, 124412, 2020
Balancing spatial heterogeneity and migration to slow the evolution of resistance in a bacterial pathogen.
A Huynh, A Sharma, M De Jong, K Wood
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021
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