Heidi S Dungey
Heidi S Dungey
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Assessing very high resolution UAV imagery for monitoring forest health during a simulated disease outbreak
JP Dash, MS Watt, GD Pearse, M Heaphy, HS Dungey
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 131, 1-14, 2017
Interspecific hybridization of Eucalyptus: key issues for breeders and geneticists
BM Potts, HS Dungey
New Forests 27 (2), 115-138, 2004
Plant hybrid zones affect biodiversity: tools for a genetic‐based understanding of community structure
TG Whitham, GD Martinsen, P Keim, KD Floate, HS Dungey, BM Potts
Ecology 80 (2), 416-428, 1999
Plant genetics affects arthropod community richness and composition: evidence from a synthetic eucalypt hybrid population
HS Dungey, BM Potts, TG Whitham, HF Li
Evolution 54 (6), 1938-1946, 2000
Genotype by environment interactions in forest tree breeding: review of methodology and perspectives on research and application
Y Li, M Suontama, RD Burdon, HS Dungey
Tree Genetics & Genomes 13, 1-18, 2017
Mycosphaerella leaf disease: genetic variation in damage to Eucalyptus nitens, Eucalyptus globulus, and their F1 hybrid
HS Dungey, BM Potts, AJ Carnegie, PK Ades
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27 (5), 750-759, 1997
Genetics of wood stiffness and its component traits in Pinus radiata
HS Dungey, AC Matheson, D Kain, R Evans
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (5), 1165-1178, 2006
Insect damage in Eucalyptus: A review of plantations in Chile
D Lanfranco, HS Dungey
Austral Ecology 26 (5), 477-481, 2001
Pine hybrids—a review of their use performance and genetics
HS Dungey
Forest ecology and management 148 (1-3), 243-258, 2001
Efficiency of genomic prediction across two Eucalyptus nitens seed orchards with different selection histories
M Suontama, J Klápště, E Telfer, N Graham, T Stovold, C Low, ...
Heredity 122 (3), 370-379, 2019
Phenotyping whole forests will help to track genetic performance
HS Dungey, JP Dash, D Pont, PW Clinton, MS Watt, EJ Telfer
Trends in Plant Science 23 (10), 854-864, 2018
Ontogenetic variation in levels of gibberellin A1 in Pisum Implications for the control of stem elongation
JJ Ross, JB Reid, HS Dungey
Planta 186, 166-171, 1992
A new breeding strategy for Pinus radiata in New Zealand and New South Wales
HS Dungey, JT Brawner, F Burger, M Carson, M Henson, P Jefferson, ...
Silvae Genet 58 (1-2), 28-38, 2009
Genetic parameters and strategies for genetic improvement of stiffness in radiata pine
S Kumar, HS Dungey, AC Matheson
Silvae Genetica 55 (2), 77-83, 2006
Quantification of realised genetic gain in radiata pine and its incorporation into growth and yield modelling systems
MO Kimberley, JR Moore, HS Dungey
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45 (12), 1676-1687, 2015
Comparisons of genetic parameters and clonal value predictions from clonal trials and seedling base population trials of radiata pine
BS Baltunis, HX Wu, HS Dungey, TJT Mullin, JT Brawner
Tree genetics & genomes 5 (1), 269-278, 2009
Parentage Reconstruction in Eucalyptus nitens Using SNPs and Microsatellite Markers: A Comparative Analysis of Marker Data Power and Robustness
EJ Telfer, GT Stovold, Y Li, OB Silva-Junior, DG Grattapaglia, HS Dungey
PloS one 10 (7), e0130601, 2015
Exploration of genetic architecture through sib-ship reconstruction in advanced breeding population of Eucalyptus nitens
J Klápště, M Suontama, E Telfer, N Graham, C Low, T Stovold, ...
PLoS One 12 (9), e0185137, 2017
Effect of hidden relatedness on single-step genetic evaluation in an advanced open-pollinated breeding program
J Klápště, M Suontama, HS Dungey, EJ Telfer, NJ Graham, CB Low, ...
Journal of Heredity 109 (7), 802-810, 2018
Expected benefit of genomic selection over forward selection in conifer breeding and deployment
Y Li, HS Dungey
PLoS One 13 (12), e0208232, 2018
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