Antonio Chimienti
Antonio Chimienti
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Statistical analysis of the 2D-DCT coefficients of the differential signal for images
F Bellifemine, A Capellino, A Chimienti, R Picco, R Ponti
Signal Processing: Image Communication 4 (6), 477-488, 1992
A complexity-bounded motion estimation algorithm
A Chimienti, C Ferraris, D Pau
IEEE Transactions on image processing 11 (4), 387-392, 2002
Frame concealment for H. 264/AVC decoders
P Baccichet, D Bagni, A Chimienti, L Pezzoni, FS Rovati
IEEE transactions on Consumer Electronics 51 (1), 227-233, 2005
Feasibility of home-based automated assessment of postural instability and lower limb impairments in Parkinson’s disease
C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, N Cau, V Cimolin, C Azzaro, ...
Sensors 19 (5), 1129, 2019
A self-managed system for automated assessment of UPDRS upper limb tasks in Parkinson’s disease
C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, N Cau, V Cimolin, C Azzaro, ...
Sensors 18 (10), 3523, 2018
Vision-based pose estimation for robot-mediated hand telerehabilitation
G Airò Farulla, D Pianu, M Cempini, M Cortese, LO Russo, M Indaco, ...
Sensors 16 (2), 208, 2016
VLSI architecture for a low-power video codec system
A Chimienti, L Fanucci, R Locatelli, S Saponara
Microelectronics Journal 33 (5-6), 417-427, 2002
System and method for motion capture
A Mauro, C Azzaro, G Albani, C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, ...
US Patent 10,092,220, 2018
Robust low-delay video transmission using H. 264/AVC redundant slices and flexible macroblock ordering
P Baccichet, S Rane, A Chimienti, B Girod
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 4, IV-93-IV-96, 2007
An integrated multi-sensor approach for the remote monitoring of Parkinson’s disease
G Albani, C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, F Parisi, G Ferrari, ...
Sensors 19 (21), 4764, 2019
A novel adaptive vector quantization method for memory reduction in MPEG-2 HDTV decoders
R Bruni, A Chimienti, M Lucenteforte, D Pau, R Sannino
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 44 (3), 537-544, 1998
Motion compensation and multiresolution coding
C Cafforio, C Guaragnella, F Bellifemine, A Chimienti, R Picco
Signal Processing: Image Communication 6 (2), 123-142, 1994
Improving calibration accuracy of structured light systems using plane-based residual error compensation
D Han, A Chimienti, G Menga
Optical Engineering 52 (10), 104106-104106, 2013
A BSN based service for post-surgical knee rehabilitation at home
R Nerino, L Contin, WJG da Silva Pinto, G Massazza, M Actis, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks, 401-407, 2013
A low complexity concealment algorithm for the whole-frame loss in H. 264/AVC
P Baccichet, A Chimienti
IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2004., 279-282, 2004
Remote monitoring and rehabilitation for patients with neurological diseases
C Ferraris, R Nerino, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, D Pianu, G Albani, C Azzaro, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on body area networks, 76-82, 2014
Active vision applications to cultural heritage acquisition and monitoring
A Balsamo, A Chimienti, P Grattoni, R Nerino, G Pettiti, ML Rastello, ...
Journal of cultural heritage 7 (2), 98-109, 2006
An improved solution for knee rehabilitation at home
R Nerino, L Contin, A Tirri, G Massazza, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, N Cau, ...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks, 62-68, 2014
Enhancing whole-frame error concealment with an intra motion vector estimator in H. 264/AVC
E Quacchio, E Magli, G Olmo, P Baccichet, A Chimienti
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Evaluation of finger tapping test accuracy using the LeapMotion and the Intel RealSense sensors
C Ferraris, D Pianu, A Chimienti, G Pettiti, V Cimolin, N Cau, R Nerino
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
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