xiuxian yang
xiuxian yang
E-mail megerősítve itt: bit.edu.cn
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Strong magneto-optical effect and anomalous transport in the two-dimensional van der Waals magnets (, 4, 5)
X Yang, X Zhou, W Feng, Y Yao
Physical Review B 104 (10), 104427, 2021
Crystal chirality magneto-optical effects in collinear antiferromagnets
X Zhou, W Feng, X Yang, GY Guo, Y Yao
Physical Review B 104 (2), 024401, 2021
Tunable magneto-optical effect, anomalous Hall effect, and anomalous Nernst effect in the two-dimensional room-temperature ferromagnet
X Yang, X Zhou, W Feng, Y Yao
Physical Review B 103 (2), 024436, 2021
Lattice thermodynamic behavior in nuclear fuel ThO2 from first principles
J Liu, Z Dai, X Yang, Y Zhao, S Meng
Journal of Nuclear Materials 511, 11-17, 2018
Low lattice thermal conductivity and excellent thermoelectric behavior in Li3Sb and Li3Bi
X Yang, Z Dai, Y Zhao, J Liu, S Meng
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (42), 425401, 2018
Phonon thermal transport in a class of graphene allotropes from first principles
X Yang, Z Dai, Y Zhao, S Meng
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (23), 15980-15985, 2018
First-and second-order magneto-optical effects and intrinsically anomalous transport in the two-dimensional van der Waals layered magnets Cr XY (X= S, Se, Te; Y= Cl, Br, I)
X Yang, P Yang, X Zhou, W Feng, Y Yao
Physical Review B 106 (5), 054408, 2022
Thermal transport properties in monolayer GeS
Y Wang, X Yang, Y Shang
Physics Letters A 383 (21), 2499-2503, 2019
Pressure induced excellent thermoelectric behavior in skutterudites CoSb 3 and IrSb 3
X Yang, Z Dai, Y Zhao, W Niu, J Liu, S Meng
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (2), 851-858, 2019
Thermal expansion induced reduction of lattice thermal conductivity in light crystals
X Yang, Y Zhao, Z Dai, M Zulfiqar, J Zhu, J Ni
Physics Letters A 381 (40), 3514-3518, 2017
Phonon thermal transport in monolayer FeB2 from first principles
X Yang, Z Dai, Y Zhao, S Meng
Computational Materials Science 147, 132-136, 2018
The structural, electronic and optic properties in a series of M2XY (M = Ga, In; X,Y = S, Se, Te) Janus monolayer materials based on GW and the Bethe-Salpeter …
J Liu, X Yang, Z Dai, Y Zhao, S Meng
The European Physical Journal B 93, 1-7, 2020
Disorder-and topology-enhanced fully spin-polarized currents in nodal chain spin-gapless semimetals
X Zhou, RW Zhang, X Yang, XP Li, W Feng, Y Mokrousov, Y Yao
Physical Review Letters 129 (9), 097201, 2022
Superhigh thermoelectric figure of merit in silver halides AgCl and AgBr from first principles
X Yang, Z Dai, Y Zhao, S Meng
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.06010, 2019
Intrinsic and extrinsic anomalous transport properties of the Heusler ferromagnets and from first principles
X Yang, W Feng, XP Li, GB Liu, Y Mokrousov, Y Yao
Physical Review B 107 (22), 224405, 2023
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