Kornél Májlinger, Habil., PhD, IWE
Kornél Májlinger, Habil., PhD, IWE
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
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Hivatkozott rá
Compressive behaviour of aluminium matrix syntactic foams reinforced by iron hollow spheres
A Szlancsik, B Katona, K Bobor, K Májlinger, IN Orbulov
Materials & Design 83, 230-237, 2015
Characteristic compressive properties of hybrid metal matrix syntactic foams
K Májlinger, IN Orbulov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 606, 248-256, 2014
Description of the compressive response of metal matrix syntactic foams
IN Orbulov, K Májlinger
Materials & Design 49, 1-9, 2013
Effect of heat input and role of nitrogen on the phase evolution of 2205 duplex stainless steel weldment
B Varbai, T Pickle, K Májlinger
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 176, 103952, 2019
Gas Metal Arc Welding of Dissimilar AHSS Sheets
K Májlinger, E Kalácska, PR Spena
Materials & Design 109, 615-621, 2016
Compressive behavior and microstructural characteristics of iron hollow sphere filled aluminum matrix syntactic foams
A Szlancsik, B Katona, K Májlinger, IN Orbulov
Materials 8 (11), 7926-7937, 2015
Tribological properties of hybrid aluminum matrix syntactic foams
K Májlinger, B Bozóki, G Kalácska, R Keresztes, L Zsidai
Tribology International 99, 211-223, 2016
Development and Comparison of Quantitative Phase Analysis for Duplex Stainless Steel Weld
B Varbai, T Pickle, K Májlinger
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 62 (3), 247, 2018
Weldability of Duplex Stainless Steels-Thermal Cycle and Nitrogen Effects
B Varbai, Y Adonyi, R Baumer, T Pickle, J Dobranszky, K Majlinger
WELDING JOURNAL 98 (3), 78S-87S, 2019
MIG-welding of dissimilar advanced high strength steel sheets
E Kalácska, K Májlinger, ER Fábián, PR Spena
Materials Science Forum 885, 80-85, 2017
Wear properties of hybrid AlSi12 matrix syntactic foams
K Májlinger
International Journal of Materials Research 106 (11), 1165-1173, 2015
Shear tension strength of resistant spot welded ultra high strength steels
B Varbai, C Sommer, M Szabó, T Tóth, K Májlinger
Thin-Walled Structures 142, 64-73, 2019
Microstructure of metal matrix composites reinforced by ceramic microballoons
IN Orbulov, K Májlinger
Materiali in Technologije/Materials and Technology 46 (4), 375-382, 2012
Compressive properties of metal matrix syntactic foams in free and constrained compression
IN Orbulov, K Májlinger
Jom 66, 882-891, 2014
On the microstructure of ceramic hollow microspheres
I Orbulov, K Májlinger
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 54 (2), 89-94, 2010
Physical and theoretical modeling of the nitrogen content of duplex stainless steel weld metal: Shielding gas composition and heat input effects
B Varbai, K Májlinger
Metals 9 (7), 762, 2019
Effects of Active Fluxes in Gas Metal Arc Welding
B Varbai, R Kormos, K Májlinger
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 61 (1), 1-6, 2017
Global Approach of Tribomechanical Development of Hybrid Aluminium Matrix Syntactic Foams
K Májlinger, K Gábor, IN Orbulov, L Zsidai, B Bozóki, R Keresztes
Tribology Letters 65 (16), 1-13, 2017
Optimal etching sequence for austenite to ferrite ratio evaluation of two lean duplex stainless steel weldments
B Varbai, K Májlinger
Measurement 147, 106832, 2019
Prediction of the shear tension strength of resistance spot welded thin steel sheets from high-to ultrahigh strength range
K Májlinger, LT Katula, B Varbai
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering 66 (1), 67-82, 2022
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