Amal Ibourk
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
“It is what it is”: Using Storied-Identity and intersectionality lenses to understand the trajectory of a young Black woman's science and math identities
CM Amal Ibourk, Roxanne Hughes
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 59 (7), 1099-1133, 2022
The role of collective sensemaking and science curriculum development within a research–practice partnership
SL Marshall, CR Nazar, A Ibourk, KW McElhaney
Science Education 105 (6), 1202-1228, 2021
Elementary students’ explanation of variation of traits and teacher‘s feedback using an online embedded assessment tool
A Ibourk, M Kendrick
International Journal of Science Education 43 (8), 1173-1192, 2021
Storied Identities and Teacher Candidates’ Developing Practices.
A Ibourk
Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2021
Middle school students’ mechanistic explanation about trait expression in rice plants during a technology-enhanced science inquiry investigation
ED Tate, A Ibourk, KW McElhaney, M Feng
Journal of Science Education and Technology 29 (5), 677-690, 2020
Toward Equitable Science Instruction: The Current State of Elementary Science Education in the United States and Policy Considerations
A Marshall, Stefanie.L., Haverly, Christa., Ibourk
International Handbook of Research on Multicultural Science Education., pp 1–23, 2021
Young students' understanding of the relationship between inheritance and variation of traits using structural equation modeling
A Ibourk, M Williams, A Opperman, D Cisterna, CR Nazar, Y Xie
Science Education, 2018
# Resilience is not enough for Black women in STEM: Counterstories of two young Black women becoming a STEM person
R Hughes, A Ibourk, L Wagner, K Jones, S Crawford
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 61 (4), 744-771, 2024
Optimizing STEM education with advanced ICTs and simulations
I Levin, D Tsybulsky
IGI Global, 2017
Learning about genetics in an elementary classroom using a web-based inquiry science environment (WISE) unit
A Ibourk, M Williams, M Heidemann
Optimizing STEM education with advanced ICTs and simulations, 107-133, 2017
International handbook of research on multicultural science education
MM Atwater
Springer International Publishing, 2022
Preservice elementary teachers’ explanations of properties of sound using a Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE)
CM Amal Ibourk, Lauren Wagner
Research in Science & Technological Education, 2022
Community Gardens as Places for Ecological Caring in Action
SYJM Amal Ibourk,Lauren Wagner,Deb Morrison
Science and Children 61 (2), 83-87, 2024
Incorporating social justice into science teacher education courses
S Rivera, A Ibourk
Integrating social justice education in teacher preparation programs, 208-224, 2020
Developing preservice elementary teachers’ self-efficacy toward teaching science
A Ibourk, C Mathis
International Journal of Science Education, 1-24, 2024
Developing Elementary Teachers’ Climate Change Knowledge and Self-efficacy for Teaching Climate Change Using Learning Technologies
KZ Amal Ibourk, Lauren Wagner
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2024
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