Rodrigo Bavaresco
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Conversational agents in business: A systematic literature review and future research directions
R Bavaresco, D Silveira, E Reis, J Barbosa, R Righi, C Costa, R Antunes, ...
Computer Science Review 36, 100239, 2020
Internet of Things and occupational well-being in industry 4.0: A systematic mapping study and taxonomy
R Bavaresco, H Arruda, E Rocha, J Barbosa, GP Li
Computers & Industrial Engineering 161, 107670, 2021
Design and evaluation of a context-aware model based on psychophysiology
R Bavaresco, J Barbosa, H Vianna, P Büttenbender, L Dias
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 189, 105299, 2020
A systematic mapping study of robotics in human care
NB Santos, RS Bavaresco, JER Tavares, GO Ramos, JLV Barbosa
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 144, 103833, 2021
A computational model for adaptive recording of vital signs through context histories
JAS Aranda, RS Bavaresco, JV de Carvalho, AC Yamin, MC Tavares, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-15, 2023
Industrial intelligence in the care of workers’ mental health: A review of status and challenges
C Goetz, R Bavaresco, R Kunst, J Barbosa
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 87, 103234, 2022
Machine learning-based automation of accounting services: An exploratory case study
RS Bavaresco, LC Nesi, JLV Barbosa, RS Antunes, R da Rosa Righi, ...
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 49, 100618, 2023
Data science methods and tools for industry 4.0: A systematic literature review and taxonomy
HM Arruda, RS Bavaresco, R Kunst, EF Bugs, GC Pesenti, JLV Barbosa
Sensors 23 (11), 5010, 2023
Transformers aftermath: Current research and rising trends
ESD Reis, CAD Costa, DED Silveira, RS Bavaresco, RDR Righi, ...
Communications of the ACM 64 (4), 154-163, 2021
Transformers aftermath: current research and rising trends
ES Dos Reis, CA Da Costa, DE Da Silveira, RS Bavaresco, RDR Righi, ...
Communications of the ACM 64 (4), 154-163, 2021
An ontology-based framework for worker’s health reasoning enabled by machine learning
R Bavaresco, Y Ren, J Barbosa, GP Li
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110310, 2024
Ubiquitous computing in light of human phenotypes: foundations, challenges, and opportunities
RS Bavaresco, JLV Barbosa
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (3), 2341-2349, 2023
Tellus-Onto: uma ontologia para classificação e inferência de solos na agricultura de precisão: Tellus-Onto: an ontology for soil classification and inference in precision …
GA Helfer, AB Costa, RS Bavaresco, JLV Barbosa
Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-7, 2021
Um Modelo Sensıvel ao Contexto para Avaliaçao da Saude Mental por meio da Variabilidade da Frequência Cardıaca
RS Bavaresco, JLV Barbosa
Anais do XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde, 58-69, 2019
Machine learning applied to digital phenotyping: A systematic literature review and taxonomy
MP dos Santos, WF Heckler, RS Bavaresco, JLV Barbosa
Computers in Human Behavior, 108422, 2024
A multi-agent system for optimizing physiological collection based on adaptive strategies
JAS Aranda, RS Bavaresco, R da Silva Machado, JV de Carvalho, ...
Smart Health 19, 100149, 2021
Computer Science Review
R Bavaresco, D Silveira, E Reis, J Barbosa, R Righi, C Costa, R Antunes, ...
Looking at Data Science through the Lens of Scheduling and Load Balancing
DE da Silveira, ES dos Reis, RS Bavaresco, MM Gomes, CA da Costa, ...
Scheduling Problems-New Applications and Trends, 2020
Análise de Históricos de Contextos para Classificaçao do Estresse Mental em Situaçoes Reais por meio da Variabilidade da Frequência Cardıaca
R Bavaresco, J Barbosa
Anais do XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ubíqua e Pervasiva, 2019
Uma Abordagem sobre Computaçao Proativa e Prediçao em Aplicaçoes Sensıveis ao Contexto
RS Bavaresco
ERRC 2016, 71, 2016
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