Theresa Wenker
Theresa Wenker
További nevekTheresa Schnettler
E-mail megerősítve itt: uni-mannheim.de
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Is it still worth it? Applying expectancy-value theory to investigate the intraindividual motivational process of forming intentions to drop out from university
T Schnettler, J Bobe, A Scheunemann, S Fries, C Grunschel
Motivation and Emotion 44, 491-507, 2020
A longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationship between academic procrastination, study satisfaction, and dropout intentions in higher education
A Scheunemann, T Schnettler, J Bobe, S Fries, C Grunschel
European Journal of Psychology of Education 37 (4), 1141-1164, 2022
The intraindividual co-occurrence of anxiety and hope in procrastination episodes during exam preparations: An experience sampling study
CK Gadosey, T Schnettler, A Scheunemann, S Fries, C Grunschel
Learning and Individual Differences 88, 102013, 2021
University students’ profiles of burnout symptoms amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany and their relation to concurrent study behavior and experiences
D Turhan, T Schnettler, A Scheunemann, CK Gadosey, LS Kegel, ...
International journal of educational research 116, 102081, 2022
Psychometric properties of the German short version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory–Student Survey
D Turhan, A Scheunemann, T Schnettler, L Bäulke, DO Thies, M Dresel, ...
European Journal of Health Psychology, 2021
Delaying academic tasks and feeling bad about it
J Bobe, T Schnettler, A Scheunemann, S Fries, L Bäulke, DO Thies, ...
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2022
Vicious and virtuous relationships between procrastination and emotions: an investigation of the reciprocal relationship between academic procrastination and learning-related …
CK Gadosey, T Schnettler, A Scheunemann, L Bäulke, DO Thies, ...
European Journal of Psychology of Education 39 (3), 2005-2031, 2024
Study satisfaction among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal development and personal-contextual predictors
CK Gadosey, C Grunschel, LS Kegel, T Schnettler, D Turhan, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 918367, 2022
Temporal development of student burnout symptoms: Sociodemographic differences and linkage to university dropout intentions
D Turhan, A Scheunemann, T Schnettler, L Bäulke, DO Thies, M Dresel, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 73, 102185, 2023
Unterschiedlich motiviert für das Studium: Motivationale Profile von Studierenden und ihre Zusammenhänge mit demografischen Merkmalen, Lernverhalten und Befinden
LS Kegel, T Schnettler, A Scheunemann, L Bäulke, DO Thies, M Dresel, ...
ZeHf–Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung 4 (1), 81-105, 2021
Prokrastination als Risikofaktor für den Abbruch des Studiums: eine motivations-und handlungsregulatorische Perspektive
C Grunschel, M Dresel, S Fries, D Leutner, J Wirth, L Bäulke, ...
Studienerfolg und Studienabbruch, 43-74, 2021
Correction to: Is it still worth it? Applying expectancy-value theory to investigate the intraindividual motivational process of forming intentions to drop out from university
T Schnettler, J Bobe, A Scheunemann, S Fries, C Grunschel
Motivation and Emotion 44, 704-706, 2020
Only a matter of time? Using logfile data to evaluate temporal motivation theory in university students' examination preparation
MP Janson, T Wenker, L Bäulke
British Journal of Educational Psychology 94 (4), 1192-1207, 2024
Relationship between the intraindividual interplay of negative and positive exam-related emotions and the behavioral-emotional dimensions of academic procrastination
CK Gadosey, D Turhan, T Wenker, LS Kegel, J Bobe, L Thomas, ...
Current Psychology 43 (40), 31476-31494, 2024
Validierung des Dispositionalen Selbstaffirmationsmaßes (DSAM)
M Montagna, T Wenker, O Dickhäuser
Diagnostica, 2024
Using logfile data to evaluate motivational processes in university students' exam preparation
MP Janson, T Schnettler, L Bäulke
Wie können Studienberater* innen Eltern gewinnbringend in den Studienorientierungsprozess einbinden?
T Woller, T Wenker, K Karst
Zeitschrift für Beratung und Studium, 2023
Eine Frage der Zeit: Die Verwendung von Logfile-Daten zur Evaluierung der Temporal-Motivation-Theory bei der digitalen Prüfungsvorbereitung von Studierenden
MP Janson, T Schnettler, L Bäulke
Entwicklung von Studienzufriedenheit in der COVID-19 Pandemie: Personale und kontextuelle Bedingungsfaktoren. Vortrag auf der 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische …
LS Kegel, CK Gadosey, T Schnettler, D Turhan, L Thomas, U Buhlmann, ...
Burnout-Symptome bei Studierenden–Eine Analyse latenter Profile und ihrer Zusammenhänge mit Verhalten und Erleben im Studium. Vortrag auf der 9. Jahrestagung der …
D Turhan, T Schnettler, A Scheunemann, L Bäulke, DO Thies, M Dresel, ...
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