Andra M. Voicu
Andra M. Voicu
E-mail megerősítve itt: rwth-aachen.de
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Survey of Spectrum Sharing for Inter-Technology Coexistence
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, DOI 10.1109/COMST.2018.2882308, 2019
Inter-Technology Coexistence in a Spectrum Commons: A Case Study of Wi-Fi and LTE in the 5-GHz Unlicensed Band
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (11), 3062-3077, 2016
Should We Worry About Interference in Emerging Dense NGSO Satellite Constellations?
C Braun, AM Voicu, L Simić, P Mähönen
IEEE DySPAN 2019, 2019
Coexistence of pico- and femto-cellular LTE-unlicensed with legacy indoor Wi-Fi deployments
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), 2294-2300, 2015
Crowdsourced indoor Wi-Fi REMs: Does the spatial interpolation method matter?
Z El-friakh, AM Voicu, S Shabani, L Simić, P Mähönen
IEEE DySPAN 2018, 2018
A secure and resilient 6G architecture vision of the German flagship project 6G-ANNA
M Hoffmann, G Kunzmann, T Dudda, R Irmer, A Jukan, G Macher, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
LTE in Unlicensed Bands is neither Friend nor Foe to Wi-Fi
L Simić, AM Voicu, P Mähönen, M Petrova, JP de Vries
IEEE Access 4, 6416 - 6426, 2016
The Importance of Adjacent Channel Interference: Experimental Validation of ns-3 for Dense Wi-Fi Networks
AM Voicu, L Lava, L Simić, M Petrova
ACM MSWiM 2017, 2017
Wi-Fi Evolution for Future Dense Networks: Does Sensing Threshold Adaptation Help?
AM Voicu, F Giorgi, L Simić, M Petrova
IEEE WCNC 2018, 2018
Analysing Wi-Fi/LTE coexistence to demonstrate the value of risk-informed interference assessment
AM Voicu, L Simić, P de Vries, M Petrova, P Mähönen
IEEE DySPAN 2017, 2017
Risk-Informed Interference Assessment for Shared Spectrum Bands: A Wi-Fi/LTE Coexistence Case Study
AM Voicu, L Simić, JP de Vries, M Petrova, P Mähönen
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 3 (3), 505 - 519, 2017
Handover Strategies for Emerging LEO, MEO, and HEO Satellite Networks
AM Voicu, A Bhattacharya, M Petrova
IEEE Access, 2024
Will Emerging Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks Cause Harmful Interference to Weather Satellites?
A Palade, AM Voicu, P Mähönen, L Simić
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2023
Experimental Evaluation of Radio Tomographic Imaging Algorithms for Indoor Localization with Wi-Fi
A Patra, S Wittig, AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, 2017
The dense sky: Evaluating system coexistence of new NGSO satellite constellations in the Ka band
J Suilmann, AM Voicu, L Simić, P Mähönen
2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2021
Interference mitigation in two-tier LTE networks: Does power control pay off for femtocells?
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
2014 IEEE 25th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2014
Modelling Large-Scale CSMA Wireless Networks
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
IEEE WCNC 2021, 2021
Boosting capacity through small cell data offloading: A comparative performance study of LTE femtocells and Wi-Fi
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1241-1247, 2014
Towards global and limitless connectivity: The role of private NGSO satellite constellations for future space-terrestrial networks
AM Voicu, A Bhattacharya, M Petrova
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.10811, 2021
Modelling Broadband Wireless Technology Coexistence in the Unlicensed Bands
AM Voicu, L Simić, M Petrova
IEEE WoWMoM 2021, 2021
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