Athena Tsirimpa
Athena Tsirimpa
The American College of Greece
E-mail megerősítve itt: acg.edu
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Prototype business models for Mobility-as-a-Service
A Polydoropoulou, I Pagoni, A Tsirimpa, A Roumboutsos, M Kamargianni, ...
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 131, 149-162, 2020
Ready for Mobility as a Service? Insights from stakeholders and end-users
A Polydoropoulou, I Pagoni, A Tsirimpa
Travel Behaviour and Society 21, 295-306, 2020
Development of a mixed multi-nomial logit model to capture the impact of information systems on travelers' switching behavior
A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou, C Antoniou
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (2), 79-89, 2007
MaaS users: Who they are and how much they are willing-to-pay
I Tsouros, A Tsirimpa, I Pagoni, A Polydoropoulou
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 148, 470-480, 2021
Exploring individual preferences and willingness to pay for mobility as a service
A Polydoropoulou, I Tsouros, I Pagoni, A Tsirimpa
Transportation research record 2674 (11), 152-164, 2020
A reward-based instrument for promoting multimodality
A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou, I Pagoni, I Tsouros
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 121-140, 2019
Development of a latent variable model to capture the impact of risk aversion on travelers' switching behavior
A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou, C Antoniou
Journal of Choice Modelling 3 (1), 127-148, 2010
Mobility-as-a-service: insights to policymakers and prospective MaaS operators
I Pagoni, M Gatto, I Tsouros, A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou, G Galli, ...
Transportation Letters 14 (4), 356-364, 2022
Mode choice modeling for sustainable last-mile delivery: The Greek perspective
A Polydoropoulou, A Tsirimpa, I Karakikes, I Tsouros, I Pagoni
Sustainability 14 (15), 8976, 2022
Modeling the impact of traffic information acquisition from mobile devices during the primary tour of the day
A Tsirimpa
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (2), 125-133, 2015
Activities, time-use and mental health during the first COVID-19 pandemic wave: Insight from Greece
I Tsouros, A Tsirimpa, I Pagoni, A Polydoropoulou
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 11, 100442, 2021
Travelers response to VMS in the Athens area
A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou
Research in Transport and Logistics 179, 2009
The impact of traffic information acquisition on the traffic conditions of the athens greater area
A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou
Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2015
Car use addiction vs. ecological consciousness: Which one prevails on mode choice behavior
A Polydoropoulou, M Kamargianni, A Tsirimpa
book: Travel behaviour research (IATBR), editors: Roorda, M., and E. miller …, 2013
Women’s time use with ICT and physical travel in Greek urban and rural areas
A Polydoropoulou, A Tsirimpa
SPOUDAI-Journal of Economics and Business 62 (1-2), 72-91, 2012
Assessing the potential of “Mobility as a Service” in passenger maritime transport
G Papaioannou, A Polydoropoulou, A Tsirimpa, I Pagoni
Frontiers in Future Transportation 2, 710311, 2022
An ecosystem innovation framework: Assessing Mobility as a Service in Budapest
A Roumboutsos, I Pagoni, A Tsirimpa, A Polydoropoulou
Sustainability 13 (7), 3753, 2021
Ready for Mobility as a Service? Insights from stakeholders and end-users. Travel Behav. Soc. 21, 295–306
A Polydoropoulou, I Pagoni, A Tsirimpa
Ready for Mobility as a Service? Insights from stakeholders and end-users. Travel Behaviour and Society, 21, 295-306
A Polydoropoulou, I Pagoni, A Tsirimpa
Development of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) for intercity travel & rural/island areas: the case study of Greece
G Papaioannou, A Polydoropoulou, A Tsirimpa, I Pagoni
European Transport Research Review 15 (1), 48, 2023
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