On palindromic factorization of words AE Frid, S Puzynina, LQ Zamboni
Advances in Applied Mathematics 50 (5), 737-748, 2013
52 2013 Abelian returns in Sturmian words S Puzynina, LQ Zamboni
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (2), 390-408, 2013
38 2013 A regularity lemma and twins in words M Axenovich, Y Person, S Puzynina
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (4), 733-743, 2013
29 2013 On periodicity of two-dimensional words SA Puzynina, SV Avgustinovich
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24 2008 Fine and Wilf's theorem for k-abelian periods J Karhumäki, S Puzynina, A Saarela
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23 2013 On abelian versions of critical factorization theorem∗ S Avgustinovich, J Karhumäki, S Puzynina
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22 2012 Periodicity of perfect colorings of an infinite rectangular grid SA Puzynina
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22 2004 Aperiodic pseudorandom number generators based on infinite words Ľ Balková, M Bucci, A De Luca, J Hladký, S Puzynina
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18 2016 On periodicity of perfect colorings of the infinite hexagonal and triangular grids SA Puzynina
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17 2011 On cardinalities of k -abelian equivalence classes J Karhumäki, S Puzynina, M Rao, MA Whiteland
Theoretical Computer Science 658, 190-204, 2017
15 2017 Perfect colorings of radius of the infinite rectangular grid SA Puzynina
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14 2008 Perfect colorings of vertices of the graph G(Z^2) in three colors SA Puzynina
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14 2005 Abelian combinatorics on words: A survey G Fici, S Puzynina
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12 2023 On a group theoretic generalization of the Morse-Hedlund theorem É Charlier, S Puzynina, L Zamboni
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12 2017 On k -Abelian Palindromic Rich and Poor Words J Karhumäki, S Puzynina
Developments in Language Theory: 18th International Conference, DLT 2014 …, 2014
10 2014 Self-shuffling words É Charlier, T Kamae, S Puzynina, LQ Zamboni
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10 2013 On periodicity of generalized two-dimensional infinite words SA Puzynina
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10 2009 Infinite self-shuffling words E Charlier, T Kamae, S Puzynina, LQ Zamboni
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 128, 1-40, 2014
9 2014 On additive properties of sets defined by the Thue–Morse word M Bucci, N Hindman, S Puzynina, LQ Zamboni
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 120 (6), 1235-1245, 2013
8 2013 Perfect colorings of the infinite rectangular grid SA Puzynina
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