Bastien Taormina
Bastien Taormina
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Hivatkozott rá
A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment: Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions
B Taormina, J Bald, A Want, G Thouzeau, M Lejart, N Desroy, A Carlier
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 96, 380-391, 2018
Impact of magnetic fields generated by AC/DC submarine power cables on the behavior of juvenile European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
B Taormina, C Di Poi, AL Agnalt, A Carlier, N Desroy, RH Escobar-Lux, ...
Aquatic Toxicology 220, 105401, 2020
Optimizing image-based protocol to monitor macroepibenthic communities colonizing artificial structures
B Taormina, MP Marzloff, N Desroy, X Caisey, O Dugornay, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 835-845, 2020
Renewable energy homes for marine life: Habitat potential of a tidal energy project for benthic megafauna
B Taormina, M Laurans, MP Marzloff, N Dufournaud, M Lejart, N Desroy, ...
Marine environmental research 161, 105131, 2020
Succession in epibenthic communities on artificial reefs associated with marine renewable energy facilities within a tide-swept environment
B Taormina, A Percheron, MP Marzloff, X Caisey, N Quillien, M Lejart, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (7-8), 2656-2668, 2020
A review of methods and indicators used to evaluate the ecological modifications generated by artificial structures on marine ecosystems
B Taormina, P Claquin, B Vivier, M Navon, JP Pezy, A Raoux, JC Dauvin
Journal of Environmental Management 310, 114646, 2022
Magnetic fields generated by submarine power cables have a negligible effect on the swimming behavior of Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) juveniles
CMF Durif, D Nyqvist, B Taormina, SD Shema, AB Skiftesvik, F Freytet, ...
PeerJ 11, e14745, 2023
Potential impacts of submarine power cables from marine renewable energy projects on benthic communities
B Taormina
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2019
Salmon farming alters the structure and functioning of Norwegian maerl bed communities
E Legrand, B Taormina, J Grall, PN Sævik, Y Lelièvre, L Pinsivy, V Peña, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34 (4), e4142, 2024
Report on the marine imaging workshop 2022
C Borremans, J Durden, T Schoening, E Curtis, L Adams, AB Albu, ...
Research Ideas and Outcomes 10, e119782, 2024
Effects of the sea lice chemotherapeutant, emamectin benzoate, on metabolism and behaviour of the sea-pen Pennatula phosphorea
B Taormina, RH Escobar-Lux, E Legrand, AE Parsons, T Kutti, V Husa, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 198, 115903, 2024
Diversity and structure of epibenthic communities across subtidal artificial hard habitats in the Bay of Cherbourg (English Channel)
B Taormina, JC Leclerc, AM Rusig, M Navon, M Deloor, P Claquin, ...
Biofouling 40 (10), 847-861, 2024
Effects of aquaculture effluents on the slender sea pen Virgularia mirabilis
B Taormina, T Kutti, SA Olsen, PN Sævik, R Hannisdal, V Husa, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 9385, 2024
Characterisation of the potential impacts of subsea power cables associated with offshore renewable energy projects. SPECIES project (2017-2020): Review and perspectives
B Taormina, N Quillien, M Lejart, A Carlier, N Desroy, M Laurans, JF D'Eu, ...
Environment and wind farms in Manche. Stakes, assessments and perspectives of researches undertaken by France Energies Marines, its members and partners-July 2020. Offshore in …
B Taormina, M Lejart, N Michelet, M Nexer, N Quillien, G Safi, M Gaillard
Impacts potentiels des câbles électriques sous-marins des projets d’énergies marines renouvelables sur les écosystèmes benthiques
B Taormina
Unversité de Bretagne Occidentale, 2019
Does the colonisation of offshore renewable energy farms facilitate the introduction and spread of non-indigenous species? COME3T Bulletin no. 02, December 2019
F Ben Rais Lasram, N Bourgougnon, Y DEL AMO, P Gillet, F Le Loc'h, ...
La colonisation des parcs d'énergies marines renouvelables facilite-t-elle l'introduction et la propagation d'espèces non indigènes?
M Nexer, N Bourgougnon, Y del Amo, P Gillet, F Le Loc'H, M Lejart, ...
Frances Energies Marines, 12, 2019
Inventaire et caractérisation des communautés benthiques du Plateau de la Méloine
L Lévêque, C Broudin, M Camusat, Y Fontana, C Houbin, J Leclerc, ...
Station Biologique de Roscoff, 2017
Caractérisation morphologique, sédimentaire et biologique d'un espace naturel remarquable: le plateau rocheux de la Méloine
L Lévêque, A Ehrhold, B Taormina, C Broudin, JC Leclerc, L Le Gall, ...
CARHAMB'AR# 3, 2017
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