Assoc.Prof.Dr. Marissa Grace Haque (Scopus ID: 57221982532; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1567-0870)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Marissa Grace Haque (Scopus ID: 57221982532; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1567-0870)
Doctor of Environmental Management
E-mail megerősítve itt: ibs.ac.id - Kezdőlap
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
MG Haque-Fawzi, AS Iskandar, H Erlangga, D Sunarsi
Pascal Books - Gramedia; (*e-Book); ISBN: 9786235312057; https://ebooks …, 2022
The Role of Brand Image, Food Safety, Awarrness, Certification on Halal Food Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study on Indonesian Consumers
A Purwanto, MG Haque, D Sunarsi, M Asbari
Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research (JIEMAR) 2 (3), 42 - 52, 2021
Marketing research quantitative analysis for large sample: comparing of Lisrel, Tetrad, GSCA, Amos, SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and SPSS
A Purwanto, M Asbari, TI Santoso, MG Haque, N Nurjaya
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian …, 2020
Understanding the Links between Charismatic Leadership, Intrinsic Motivation and Tacit Knowledge Sharing among MSME Employees
D Novitasari, MG Haque, H Supriatna, M Asbari, A Purwanto
International Journal of Social and Management Studies (Jurnal Internasional …, 2021
The exploration role of Sharia compliance in technology acceptance model for e-banking (case: Islamic bank in Indonesia)
MGH Hardius Usman, Nucke Widowati Kusumo Projo, Chairy Chairy
Journal of Islamic Marketing (JIMA) | Emerald Insight; ISSN: 1759-0833 …, 2021
Effect of e-Marketing and e-CRM on e-Loyalty: an Empirical Study on Indonesian Manufactures
S Riyadi, MA Khairusy, D Sunarsi, Nurjaya, Humairoh, AN Sholeh, ...
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32 (3), 5290 - 5297, 2021
Micro Financial Sharia Non-bank Strategic Analysis: a Study at BMT Beringharjo, Yogyakarta
MG Haque, N Nurjaya, A Affandi, H Erlangga, D Sunarsi
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal …, 2021
Analysis of SMEs Culinary Marketing Strategy During Covid 19 Pancemic: A Study at “Sate Bebek Cilegon” Resto in Cilegon, Banten
MG Haque, D Munawaroh, Sunarsi
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others 3 (2 …, 2020
Competitive Advantage in Cost Leadership and Differentiation of SMEs “Bakoel Zee” Marketing Strategy in BSD
MG Haque, M Munawaroh, D Sunarsi, A Baharuddin
PINISI Discretion Review 4 (2), 277-284, 2021
Determination of Professionalism and Transparancy and Its Implication for Financial Performance of Zakat Institutions
R Nasri, Nuraini, MG Haque-Fawzi
Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance 5 (4), ISSN:2460 6146 …, 2019
The Effect of Digital Marketing and Media Promotion Utilization to a Bakpia Patok Yogyakarta SMES’ Sales Performance
MG Haque
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian …, 2020
Peran Work Overload, Work Environment, Work Family Conflict & Work Stress terhadap Job Performance: Studi pada Petugas Penanganan Prasarana dan Sarana Umum Jakarta
D Damayanti, S Rimadias, MG Haque, D Sunarsi, K Kosasih, ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan 7 (3), 192-206, 2021
Transformasi Digital dan Industri Halal: Studi Kasus pada Produsen Besar dan UMKM
E Karyani, I Geraldina, MG Haque
Wikrama Parahita: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 5 (2), 139 - 148, 2021
Cultural Product Branding, Antecedents, and Its Implications: a Study on the Content of Indonesian Batik
W Rofianto, MG Haque, D Sunarsi, A Purwanto, HS Kahpi
International Journal of Social Policy and Law (IJOSPL) 2 (2), 37 - 46, 2021
Analisis Niat Pembelian Ulang e-Commerce Mobil dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
W Rachbini, F Salim, MG Haque, E Rachmawati
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen dan Bisnis 5 (3), 530-540, 2019
Analisis Pengaruh Lahirnya U.U No.33 Tahun 2014 tentang JPH dan Terbitnya P.P No. 31 Tahun 2019 tentang JPH terhadap Keputusan Melakukan MoU dan Perjanjian Kerjasama Calon LPH …
I Lynarbi, MG Haque, A Purwanto, D Sunarsi
International Journal of Social Policy and Law 1 (1), 88 - 110, 2020
Investigating Awareness & Knowledge, Halal Logo, and Religiosity, Affecting Decision and Lifestyle to Consume Halal Culinary: A Case Study on Japanese Restaurants in Three …
MG Haque, D Hindraty
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Ekonomika 12 (No.1), 27-31, 2019
Intention to adopt a blockchain-based halal certification: Indonesia consumers and regulatory perspective
E Karyani, I Geraldina, MG Haque, A Zahir
Journal of Islamic Marketing; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMA-03-2023-0069 …, 2024
The role of trust and perceived risk on Muslim behavior in buying halal-certified food
H Usman, NWK Projo, C Chairy, MG Haque
Journal of Islamic Marketing; https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi …, 2024
Analisis Strategi Pemasaran LPH (Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal): Studi Pada Kantor Pusat SBU KSP PT Sucofindo (Persero), Jakarta
V Hardiani, MG Haque
SENIMA - Seminar Nasional Manajemen 5, 1615-1639, 2020
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