Supriadi Mashoreng
Supriadi Mashoreng
E-mail megerősítve itt: mar-sci.unhas.ac.id
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Hivatkozott rá
Carbon stock of seagrass community in Barranglompo Island, Makassar (stok karbon pada komunitas lamun di Pulau Barranglompo, Makassar)
S Supriadi, RF Kaswadji, DG Bengen, M Hutomo
Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 19 (1), 1-10, 2014
Microplastic in Cymodocea rotundata seagrass blades
SS Datu, S Supriadi, A Tahir
Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotechnol 4 (6), 1758-1761, 2019
Biomechanical response of two fast-growing tropical seagrass species subjected to in situ shading and sediment fertilization
YA La Nafie, CB de los Santos, FG Brun, S Mashoreng, MM van Katwijk, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 446, 186-193, 2013
Microplastic abundance in sea urchins (Diadema setosum) from seagrass beds of Barranglompo Island, Makassar, Indonesia
R Sawalman, S Werorilangi, M Ukkas, S Mashoreng, I Yasir, A Tahir
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 763 (1), 012057, 2021
Cultivated seaweed carbon sequestration capacity
S Mashoreng, YA La Nafie, R Isyrini
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 370 (1), 012017, 2019
Beberapa Aspek Pertumbuhan Lamun Enhalus acoroides (Linn. F) Royle di Pulau Barrang Lompo Makassar
S Supriadi, D Soedharma, RF Kaswadji
Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 23 (1), 1-8, 2006
Using Site-selection model to identify suitable sites for seagrass transplantation in the west coast of South Sulawesi
M Lanuru, S Mashoreng, K Amri
The 2nd International Conference on Science (ICOS) 979 (IOP Publishing), 1-8, 2018
Inventarisasi jenis, kelimpahan, dan biomassa ikan di padang lamun Pulau Barrang Lompo Makassar
Supriadi, YAL Nafie, AI Burhanuddin
Torani 14 (5), 288-295, 2004
Kajian stok karbon mangrove di Bebanga Kabupaten Mamuju Sulawesi Barat
M Syukri, S Mashoreng, S Werorilangi, R Isyrini, R Rastina, A Faizal, ...
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan 5, 2018
Dampak Kondisi Karang Terhadap Struktur Komunitas Megabentos yang Berasosiasi dengan Terumbu Karang Kepulauan Spermonde
KPB Tatipata, S Mashoreng
Jurnal TORANI JFMarcSci 3 (1), 37-50, 2019
Serapan karbon lamun Thalassia hemprichii pada beberapa kedalaman
S Mashoreng, S Alprianti, W Samad, R Isyrini, DF Inaku
Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE, 2019
Coral reef destruction of Small island in 44 years and destructive fishing in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia
N Nurdin, T Komatsu, S Fakhriyyah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 47 (1), 012011, 2016
Potensi Penyimpanan Karbon Lamun Enhalus acoroides di Pulau Barranglompo Makassar
S Supriadi, RF Kaswadji, DG Bengen, M Hutomo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Tahunan Hasil Penelitian Kelautan dan Perikanan …, 2013
Hubungan antara persen penutupan dan simpanan karbon lamun
S Mashoreng, MB Selamat, K Amri, YA La Nafie
Akuatika Indonesia 3 (1), 74-83, 2018
The relationship between seagrass Thalassia hemprichii percentage cover and their biomass
A Mallombasi, S Mashoreng, YA La Nafie
Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan SPERMONDE, 7-10, 2020
Decline in seagrass carbon uptake on Bonebatang Island, Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia during the period of 2001-2017
S Mashoreng, R Isyrini, DF Inaku
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 564 (1), 012028, 2020
Accuracy of unsupervised classification to determine coral health using SPOT-6 and Sentinel-2A
N Nurdin, Supriadi, M Lanuru, M Akbar As, I Kartika, T Komatsu
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Mangrove area and vegetation condition resulting from the planting of mangroves in the Wallacea Region, Bone Bay, South Sulawesi
A Mursalim, N Nurdin, Y La Nafie, B Selamat, J Tresnati, A Tuwo
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 473 (1), 012055, 2020
Estimation of seagrass biomass by in situ measurement and remote sensing technology on small islands, Indonesia
N Nurdin, K Amri, S Mashoreng, T Komatsu
Ocean Science Journal 57 (1), 118-129, 2022
Impact of water turbidity to Seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) morphology
K Amri, S Mashoreng, D Priosambodo, N Nurdin, M Lanuru
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (1), 012020, 2021
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