Emergence of charge density wave domain walls above the superconducting dome in 1T -TiSe2 YI Joe, XM Chen, P Ghaemi, KD Finkelstein, GA de La Peña, Y Gan, ...
Nature Physics 10 (6), 421-425, 2014
323 2014 In-Plane Transport and Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance <?format ?>in Thin Films of the Topological Insulators and P Ghaemi, RSK Mong, JE Moore
Physical review letters 105 (16), 166603, 2010
310 2010 Majorana modes at the ends of superconductor vortices in doped topological insulators P Hosur, P Ghaemi, RSK Mong, A Vishwanath
Physical review letters 107 (9), 097001, 2011
235 2011 Optical control of room-temperature valley polaritons Z Sun, J Gu, A Ghazaryan, Z Shotan, CR Considine, M Dollar, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (8), 491-496, 2017
222 2017 Fractional topological phases and broken time-reversal symmetry in strained graphene P Ghaemi, J Cayssol, DN Sheng, A Vishwanath
Physical review letters 108 (26), 266801, 2012
112 2012 Kondo Breakdown and Quantum Oscillations in O Erten, P Ghaemi, P Coleman
Physical review letters 116 (4), 046403, 2016
110 2016 Andreev Bound States as a Phase-Sensitive Probe of the Pairing Symmetry<? format?> of the Iron Pnictide Superconductors P Ghaemi, F Wang, A Vishwanath
Physical review letters 102 (15), 157002, 2009
68 2009 Signature of a topological phase transition in the Josephson supercurrent through a topological insulator MP Stehno, V Orlyanchik, CD Nugroho, P Ghaemi, M Brahlek, N Koirala, ...
Physical Review B 93 (3), 035307, 2016
60 2016 Finite-temperature properties of quantum Lifshitz transitions between valence-bond solid phases: an example of local quantum criticality P Ghaemi, A Vishwanath, T Senthil
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (2), 024420, 2005
57 2005 Universal transport near a quantum critical Mott transition in two dimensions W Witczak-Krempa, P Ghaemi, T Senthil, YB Kim
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (24), 245102, 2012
56 2012 Time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in topological materials Y Qiu, KN Sanders, J Dai, JE Medvedeva, W Wu, P Ghaemi, T Vojta, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03519, 2015
55 2015 Dynamical gate-tunable supercurrents in topological Josephson junctions C Kurter, ADK Finck, P Ghaemi, YS Hor, DJ Van Harlingen
Physical Review B 90 (1), 014501, 2014
53 2014 Néel order, quantum spin liquids, and quantum criticality in two dimensions P Ghaemi, T Senthil
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (5), 054415, 2006
44 2006 Near-zero modes in superconducting graphene P Ghaemi, F Wilczek
Physica Scripta 2012 (T146), 014019, 2012
40 * 2012 Quantum valley Hall effect in proximity-induced superconducting graphene: an experimental window for deconfined quantum criticality P Ghaemi, S Ryu, DH Lee
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (8), 081403, 2010
37 2010 Designer quantum spin Hall phase transition in molecular graphene P Ghaemi, S Gopalakrishnan, TL Hughes
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (20), 201406, 2012
36 2012 Vortex lattices in the superconducting phases of doped topological insulators and heterostructures HH Hung, P Ghaemi, TL Hughes, MJ Gilbert
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (3), 035401, 2013
35 2013 Creating and Manipulating a Laughlin-Type Fractional Quantum Hall State on a Quantum Computer with Linear Depth Circuits A Rahmani, KJ Sung, H Putterman, P Roushan, P Ghaemi, Z Jiang
PRX Quantum 1 (2), 020309, 2020
34 2020 Higher angular momentum Kondo liquids P Ghaemi, T Senthil
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (14), 144412, 2007
33 2007 Stabilization of Majorana Modes in Magnetic Vortices in the Superconducting<? format?> Phase of Topological Insulators using Topologically Trivial Bands CK Chiu, P Ghaemi, TL Hughes
Physical review letters 109 (23), 237009, 2012
31 2012