Cikkek nyilvánosan hozzáférhető megbízással - Stefan MinnerTovábbi információ
Sehol sem hozzáférhető: 7
A review on supply chain contracting with information considerations: information updating and information asymmetry
B Shen, TM Choi, S Minner
International Journal of Production Research 57 (15-16), 4898-4936, 2019
Megbízások: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Performance analysis of a hybrid bike sharing system: A service-level-based approach under censored demand observations
S Albiński, P Fontaine, S Minner
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 116, 59-69, 2018
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Dynamic compensation and contingent sourcing strategies for supply disruption
S Li, Y He, S Minner
International Journal of Production Research 59 (5), 1511-1533, 2021
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The competitive pickup and delivery orienteering problem for balancing car-sharing systems
L Martin, S Minner, D Poças, AS Schulz
Transportation Science 55 (6), 1232-1259, 2021
Megbízások: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Cyclic inventory routing with dynamic safety stocks under recurring non-stationary interdependent demands
S Malicki, S Minner
Computers & Operations Research 131, 105247, 2021
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Human solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem: Experimental findings and a choice-based theory
P Fontaine, F Taube, S Minner
Computers & Operations Research 120, 104962, 2020
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Fonds de …
Stochastic inventory routing with dynamic demands and intra-day depletion
EJA Ortega, S Malicki, KF Doerner, S Minner
Computers & Operations Research 163, 106503, 2024
Megbízások: Austrian Science Fund
Valahol hozzáférhető: 15
Combating copycats in the supply chain with permissioned blockchain technology
B Shen, C Dong, S Minner
Production and Operations Management 31 (1), 138-154, 2022
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Population-based risk equilibration for the multimode hazmat transport network design problem
P Fontaine, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, S Minner
European journal of operational research 284 (1), 188-200, 2020
Megbízások: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Fonds de …
Coordination is hard: Electronic auction mechanisms for increased efficiency in transportation logistics
P Karaenke, M Bichler, S Minner
Management Science 65 (12), 5884-5900, 2019
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Two-stage supply chain design with safety stock placement decisions
MS Puga, S Minner, JS Tancrez
International Journal of Production Economics 209, 183-193, 2019
Megbízások: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Predictive and prescriptive performance of bike-sharing demand forecasts for inventory management
D Gammelli, Y Wang, D Prak, F Rodrigues, S Minner, FC Pereira
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 138, 103571, 2022
Megbízások: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Logistics and supply chain management in the luxury industry
B Shen, S Minner, HL Chan, A Brun
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 143, 102095, 2020
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A branch-and-price algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands and probabilistic duration constraints
AM Florio, RF Hartl, S Minner, JJ Salazar-González
Transportation Science 55 (1), 122-138, 2021
Megbízások: Government of Spain
Ambulance dispatching during a pandemic: Tradeoffs of categorizing patients and allocating ambulances
M Rautenstrauss, L Martin, S Minner
European Journal of Operational Research 304 (1), 239-254, 2023
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Non-monetary coordination mechanisms for time slot allocation in warehouse delivery
P Karaenke, M Bichler, S Merting, S Minner
European Journal of Operational Research 286 (3), 897-907, 2020
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Paying Living Wages in Supply Chains: The Effects of Uncertainties, Coordination, and Competition
B Shen, Y Cao, S Minner
Production and Operations Management, 10591478231224961, 2024
Megbízások: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Empirical newsvendor biases: Are target service levels achieved effectively and efficiently?
AL Sachs, M Becker‐Peth, S Minner, UW Thonemann
Production and Operations Management 31 (4), 1839-1855, 2022
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Deep Learning for Commodity Procurement: Nonlinear Data-Driven Optimization of Hedging Decisions
N Busch, T Crönert, S Minner, M Rettinger, B Sel
INFORMS Journal on Optimization 5 (3), 273-294, 2023
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
Inverse optimization of integer programming games for parameter estimation arising from competitive retail location selection
T Crönert, L Martin, S Minner, CS Tang
European Journal of Operational Research 312 (3), 938-953, 2024
Megbízások: German Research Foundation
A publikációs és a finanszírozási adatokat számítógépes program határozza meg, automatikusan.