Akbar Afaghi Khatibi
Akbar Afaghi Khatibi
E-mail megerősítve itt: rmit.edu.au - Kezdőlap
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Hivatkozott rá
Improving the through-thickness thermal and electrical conductivity of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates by exploiting synergy between graphene and silver nano-inclusions
E Kandare, AA Khatibi, S Yoo, R Wang, J Ma, P Olivier, N Gleizes, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 69, 72-82, 2015
Fully automated operational modal analysis using multi-stage clustering
E Neu, F Janser, AA Khatibi, AC Orifici
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 84, 308-323, 2017
3D finite element simulation of sandwich panels with a functionally graded core subjected to low velocity impact
E Etemadi, AA Khatibi, M Takaffoli
Composite Structures 89 (1), 28-34, 2009
Characterisation of fibre/matrix interfacial degradation under cyclic fatigue loading using dynamic mechanical analysis
A Afaghi-Khatibi, YW Mai
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 33 (11), 1585-1592, 2002
An effective crack growth model for residual strength evaluation of composite laminates with circular holes
A Afaghi-Khatibi, L Ye, YW Mat
Journal of Composite Materials 30 (2), 142-163, 1996
An experimental investigation into the buckling of GFRP stiffened shells under axial loading
M Yazdani, H Rahimi, AA Khatibi, S Hamzeh
Scientific Research and Essays 4 (9), 914-920, 2009
An experimental study on clay/epoxy nanocomposites produced in a centrifuge
S Saber-Samandari, AA Khatibi, D Basic
Composites Part B: Engineering 38 (1), 102-107, 2007
Effect of natural fibre reinforcement on the sound and vibration damping properties of bio-composites compression moulded by nonwoven mats
J Zhang, AA Khatibi, E Castanet, T Baum, Z Komeily-Nia, P Vroman, ...
Composites Communications 13, 12-17, 2019
The effect of interphase on the elastic modulus of polymer based nanocomposites
S Saber-Samandari, A Afaghi Khatibi
Key Engineering Materials 312, 199-204, 2006
On the fracture mechanical behaviour of fibre reinforced metal laminates (FRMLs)
A Afaghi-Khatibi, G Lawcock, L Ye, YW Mai
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 185 (2-4), 173-190, 2000
Evaluation of elastic modulus of polymer matrix nanocomposites
S Saber‐Samandari, A Afaghi‐Khatibi
Polymer composites 28 (3), 405-411, 2007
Vibration and acoustic properties of composites with embedded lithium-ion polymer batteries
J Galos, AA Khatibi, AP Mouritz
Composite Structures 220, 677-686, 2019
Effect of fibre/matrix adhesion on residual strength of notched composite laminates
L Ye, A Afaghi-Khatibi, G Lawcock, YW Mai
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 29 (12), 1525-1533, 1998
Comprehensive investigation on hierarchical multiscale homogenization using representative volume element for piezoelectric nanocomposites
A Jafari, AA Khatibi, MM Mashhadi
Composites Part B: Engineering 42 (3), 553-561, 2011
An experimental study of the influence of fibre–matrix interface on fatigue tensile strength of notched composite laminates
A Afaghi-Khatibi, L Ye, YW Mai
Composites Part B: Engineering 32 (4), 371-377, 2001
4D printed TMP origami metamaterials with programmable mechanical properties
M Wan, K Yu, J Gu, H Zeng, H Sun, AA Khatibi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 250, 108275, 2023
Thermophysical properties of multifunctional glass fibre reinforced polymer composites incorporating phase change materials
S Yoo, E Kandare, R Shanks, MA Al-Maadeed, AA Khatibi
Thermochimica acta 642, 25-31, 2016
Damage tolerance investigation of high-performance scarf joints with bondline flaws under various environmental, geometrical and support conditions
JM Hayes-Griss, AJ Gunnion, AA Khatibi
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 84, 246-255, 2016
A study on the manufacturing of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Aluminum Laminates and the effect of interfacial adhesive bonding on the impact behavior
MA Ardakani, AA Khatibi, SA Ghazavi
Proceedings of the XI International Congress and Exposition, 2008
Operational Modal Analysis of a wing excited by transonic flow
E Neu, F Janser, AA Khatibi, C Braun, AC Orifici
Aerospace Science and Technology 49, 73-79, 2016
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