Michael Ramirez
Michael Ramirez
US Army Corps of Engineers
E-mail megerősítve itt: erdc.dren.mil
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Chronology, mound-building and environment at Huaca Prieta, coastal Peru, from 13 700 to 4000 years ago
TD Dillehay, D Bonavia, S Goodbred, M Pino, V Vasquez, TR Tham, ...
Antiquity 86 (331), 48-70, 2012
Mississippi River channel response to the Bonnet Carré Spillway opening in the 2011 flood and its implications for the design and operation of river diversions
MA Allison, BM Vosburg, MT Ramirez, EA Meselhe
Journal of Hydrology 477, 104-118, 2013
Suspension of bed material over sand bars in the Lower Mississippi River and its implications for Mississippi delta environmental restoration
MT Ramirez, MA Allison
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (2), 1085-1104, 2013
Diversion of Mississippi River water downstream of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to maximize sediment capture and ameliorate coastal land loss
MA Allison, MT Ramirez, EA Meselhe
Water resources management 28, 4113-4126, 2014
Modern deposition rates and patterns of organic carbon burial in Fiordland, New Zealand
MT Ramirez, MA Allison, TS Bianchi, X Cui, C Savage, SE Schüller, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (22), 11,768-11,776, 2016
Chapter 5 Holocene Geology and Paleoenvironmental History of the Lower Chicama Valley
SL Goodbred, R Beavins, M Ramírez, M Pino, AO Sawakuchi, C Latorre, ...
Where the land meets the sea: fourteen millennia of human history at Huaca …, 2017
Suspension of bed-material sand over lateral bars in the lower Mississippi River, Southeastern Louisiana
MT Ramirez, MA Allison
Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 1-20, 2013
Suspension of bed material over lateral sand bars in the lower Mississippi River, Southeastern Louisiana
MT Ramirez
Mississippi River Bedform Roughness and Streamflow Conditions near Vicksburg, Mississippi. Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology Program Report No. 22
M Ramirez, S Smith, J Lewis, T Pratt
US Army Corps of Enginners. Available online at: https://apps. dtic. mil/sti …, 2018
Swan island monitoring and adaptive management plan
PE Whitfield, JL Davis, AS Tritinger, DM Szimanski, RR Golden, ...
USACE Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, ERDC TR-22-14, 2022
Estimating haplogroup Affiliation through ancient mtDNA analysis from the Huaca Prieta burials
TA Tung, J Blair, M Summar, R Tito, C Lewis
Where the Land Meets the Sea: Fourteen Millennia of Human History at Huaca …, 2017
Mississippi river bedform roughness and streamflow conditions near Vicksburg, Mississippi: Data collection summary and analysis
MT Ramirez, SJ Smith, JW Lewis, TC Pratt
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mississippi Valley Division., 2018
Modeling the San Francisco Bay Estuary to Inform Sediment and Baylands Management
G Savant, S Harper, MA Bryant, MT Ramirez, D Tarpley, J Beagle
AGU23, 2023
Acoustic Doppler current profiler study of water and sediment movement through a deep scour hole in the Lower Mississippi River
MT Ramirez, TA Dahl, GL Brown
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Mississippi Valley Division., 2023
Suspended Sediment Flux in a Tidal Channel at Seven Mile Island Innovation Lab, New Jersey
M Armstrong, NP Snyder, GC Kineke, J Smith, MT Ramirez
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, EP15B-1094, 2022
Observations of Lower Mississippi River Estuarine Dynamics: Effects of the Salt Wedge on Sediment Deposition
MT Ramirez, MA Allison
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, EP21F-1898, 2017
Twined and Woven Artifacts
TD Dillehay, JM Adovasio, CFT Andrus, P Béarez, R Beavins, K Benson, ...
Where the Land Meets the Sea: Fourteen Millennia of Human History at Huaca …, 2017
Part 2: Basketry and Cordage from Huaca Prieta
TD Dillehay, JM Adovasio, CFT Andrus, P Béarez, R Beavins, K Benson, ...
Where the Land Meets the Sea: Fourteen Millennia of Human History at Huaca …, 2017
9. Starch Grains
TD Dillehay, JM Adovasio, CFT Andrus, P Béarez, R Beavins, K Benson, ...
Where the Land Meets the Sea: Fourteen Millennia of Human History at Huaca …, 2017
The Environmental Setting, Past and Present
TD Dillehay, JM Adovasio, CFT Andrus, P Béarez, R Beavins, K Benson, ...
Where the Land Meets the Sea: Fourteen Millennia of Human History at Huaca …, 2017
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