Attila Mozsár
Attila Mozsár
postdoctoral researcher, Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Tihany, Hungary
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Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Relationship between F ulton's condition factor and proximate body composition in three freshwater fish species
A Mozsár, G Boros, P Sály, L Antal, SA Nagy
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31 (2), 315-320, 2015
Phylogenetic evidence for a new species of Barbus in the Danube River basin
L Antal, B László, P Kotlík, A Mozsár, I Czeglédi, M Oldal, G Kemenesi, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 96, 187-194, 2016
Hybridization of Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Brandt and Ratzeberg, 1833) and American Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula, Walbaum 1792) and …
J Káldy, A Mozsár, G Fazekas, M Farkas, DL Fazekas, GL Fazekas, ...
Genes 11 (7), 753, 2020
Feeding ecology of the invasive Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877) in Central Europe
S Kati, A Mozsár, D Árva, NJ Cozma, I Czeglédi, L Antal, SA Nagy, T Erős
International Review of Hydrobiology 100 (3-4), 116-128, 2015
The role of filter-feeding Asian carps in algal dispersion
J Görgényi, G Boros, Z Vitál, A Mozsár, G Várbíró, G Vasas, G Borics
Hydrobiologia 764, 115-126, 2016
Growth and condition factor of hybrid (Bighead Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Richardson, 1845 × silver carp H. molitrix Valenciennes, 1844) Asian carps in the …
G Boros, A Mozsár, Z Vitál, AS Nagy, A Specziár
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (3), 546-548, 2014
Between-lake variation in the elemental composition of roach (Rutilus rutilus L.)
G Boros, J Jyväsjärvi, P Takács, A Mozsár, I Tátrai, M Søndergaard, ...
Aquatic Ecology 46, 385-394, 2012
The roles of environment, site position, and seasonality in taxonomic and functional organization of chironomid assemblages in a heterogeneous wetland, Kis-Balaton (Hungary)
D Árva, M Tóth, A Mozsár, A Specziár
Hydrobiologia 787, 353-373, 2017
Relationship between gill raker morphology and feeding habits of hybrid bigheaded carps (Hypophthalmichthys spp.)
I Battonyai, A Specziár, Z Vitál, A Mozsár, J Görgényi, G Borics, LG Tóth, ...
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 36, 2015
Comparison of different methods used for phosphorus determination in aquatic organisms
G Boros, A Mozsár
Hydrobiologia 758, 235-242, 2015
Effects of Different Fish Diets on the Water Quality in Semi-Intensive Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Farming
L Berzi-Nagy, A Mozsár, F Tóth, D Gál, Z Nagy, SA Nagy, É Kerepeczki, ...
Water 13 (9), 1215, 2021
Applicability of gill raker filtrates and foregut contents in the diet assessment of filter-feeding Asian carps
Z Vitál, A Specziár, A Mozsár, P Takács, G Borics, J Görgényi, SA Nagy, ...
Fundam. Appl. Limnol 187, 79-86, 2015
Exploring ecological knowledge in recreational fishing for conservation purposes: A literature review
V Löki, J Nagy, Z Neményi, A Hagyó, A Nagy, Z Vitál, A Mozsár, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 48, e02697, 2023
Az idegenhonos tízlábú rákok (Crustacea: Decapoda) helyzete Magyarországon
A Weiperth, A Kouba, B Csányi, T Danyik, A Farkas, B Gál, V Józsa, ...
Halaszat, volume 113, issue: neuveden, 2020
Különböző hasznosítású Tisza‐menti holtmedrek halfaunája
L Antal, A Mozsár, I Czeglédi
Hidrológiai Közlöny 91 (6), 11-14, 2011
A Tisza‐tó Tiszavalki‐medencéjében lévő holtmedrek halfaunája, valamint a természetvédelmi értékesség megítélése
A Mozsár, L Antal, GZ Lövei
Pisces Hungarici 3, 161-166, 2009
Intraguild predation as a potential explanation for the population decline of the threatened native fish, the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum, 1792) by the invasive …
D Somogyi, T Erős, A Mozsár, I Czeglédi, J Szeles, R Tóth, N Zulkipli, ...
Comparison of the Genetic Structure of Invasive Bigheaded Carp (Hypophthalmichthys spp.) Populations in Central-European Lacustrine and Riverine Habitats
T Molnár, I Lehoczky, E Edviné Meleg, G Boros, A Specziár, A Mozsár, ...
Animals 11 (7), 2018, 2021
Influence of environmental factors and individual traits on the diet of non-native hybrid bigheaded carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix × H. nobilis) in Lake Balaton …
A Mozsár, A Specziár, I Battonyai, G Borics, J Görgényi, H Horváth, ...
Hydrobiologia 794, 317-332, 2017
Toxicity tests of chlorinated hydrocarbons on the river mussel, Unio crassus (Bivalvia, Unionidae)
A Sarkany-Kiss, I Herczeg, B Palombi, I Grigorszky, L Antal, I Bacsi, ...
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