Seung Hee Kim
Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Global bathymetry and elevation data at 30 arc seconds resolution: SRTM30_PLUS
JJ Becker, DT Sandwell, WHF Smith, J Braud, B Binder, JL Depner, ...
Marine Geodesy 32 (4), 355-371, 2009
Estimation of seasonal topographic variation in tidal flats using waterline method: A case study in Gomso and Hampyeong Bay, South Korea
Z Xu, D Kim, SH Kim, YK Cho, SG Lee
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 183, 213-220, 2016
Submarine groundwater discharge revealed by aerial thermal infrared imagery: a case study on Jeju Island, Korea
E Lee, K Kang, SP Hyun, KY Lee, H Yoon, SH Kim, Y Kim, Z Xu, D Kim, ...
Hydrological Processes 30 (19), 3494-3506, 2016
Iceberg detection using full-polarimetric RADARSAT-2 SAR data in west Antarctica
JW Kim, D Kim, SH Kim, BJ Hwang
2011 3rd International Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar …, 2011
Changes in a giant iceberg created from the collapse of the larsen c ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, derived from Sentinel-1 and CryoSat-2 data
H Han, S Lee, JI Kim, SH Kim, H Kim
Remote Sensing 11 (4), 404, 2019
Development of a cost-effective airborne remote sensing system for coastal monitoring
D Kim, J Jung, K Kang, SH Kim, Z Xu, S Hensley, A Swan, M Duersch
Sensors 15 (10), 25366-25384, 2015
Research of topography changes by artificial structures and scattering mechanism in Yoobu-Do inter-tidal flat using remote sensing data
Z Xu, D Kim, SH Kim
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1), 57-68, 2013
Combined usage of tandem-x and cryosat-2 for generating a high resolution digital elevation model of fast moving ice stream and its application in grounding line estimation
SH Kim, D Kim
Remote Sensing 9 (2), 176, 2017
Disintegration and acceleration of Thwaites Ice Shelf on the Amundsen Sea revealed from remote sensing measurements
JW Kim, D Kim, SH Kim, HK Ha, SH Lee
GIScience & Remote Sensing 52 (4), 498-509, 2015
Doppler velocity characteristics during tropical cyclones observed using ScanSAR raw data
K Kang, D Kim, SH Kim, WM Moon
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (4), 2343-2355, 2016
Surface roughness signatures of summer arctic snow-covered sea ice in X-band dual-polarimetric SAR
H Han, JI Kim, CU Hyun, SH Kim, JW Park, YJ Kwon, S Lee, S Lee, ...
GIScience & Remote Sensing 57 (5), 650-669, 2020
Progressive Degradation of an Ice Rumple in the Thwaites Ice Shelf, Antarctica, as Observed from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
SH Kim, D Kim, HC Kim
Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1236, 2018
Development of airborne remote sensing system for monitoring marine meteorology (Sea surface wind and temperature)
DJ Kim, YK Cho, KM Kang, JW Kim, SH Kim
The Sea: Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography 18 (1), 32-39, 2013
Quantitative estimation of submarine groundwater discharge using airborne thermal infrared data acquired at two different tidal heights
K Kang, D Kim, Y Kim, E Lee, BG Kim, SH Kim, K Ha, DC Koh, YK Cho, ...
Hydrological Processes 33 (7), 1089-1100, 2019
Grounding line of Campbell Glacier in Ross Sea derived from high-resolution digital elevation model
SH Kim, D Kim, HC Kim
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (3), 545-552, 2018
Extraction of sea surface temperature in coastal area using ground-based thermal infrared sensor on-boarded to aircraft
K Kang, D Kim, SH Kim, YK Cho, S Lee
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (6), 797-807, 2014
Design and manufacture of FMCW radar with multi-frequency bandwidths
J Hwang, SH Kim, K Kang, DJ Kim
The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science …, 2016
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Minimum Brightness Temperature at the 6.925 GHz Band of AMSR2 for the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
YJ Kwon, S Hong, JW Park, SH Kim, JM Kim, HC Kim
Remote Sensing 13 (11), 2122, 2021
Evolution of backscattering coefficients of drifting multi-year sea ice during end of melting and onset of freeze-up in the western Beaufort Sea
SH Kim, HC Kim, CU Hyun, S Lee, JS Ha, JH Kim, YJ Kwon, JW Park, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (9), 1378, 2020
원격탐사자료를 이용한 인공구조물 건설에 의한 군산 유부도 조간대의지형변화 및 표면특성에 관한 연구
김덕진, 김승희
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1), 57-68, 2013
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