Johannes Bjerlin
Johannes Bjerlin
Postdoc, University of Copenhagen
Email yang diverifikasi di matfys.lth.se
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Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain of a few cold atoms in a one-dimensional trap
S Murmann, F Deuretzbacher, G Zürn, J Bjerlin, SM Reimann, L Santos, ...
Physical review letters 115 (21), 215301, 2015
Quantum magnetism without lattices in strongly interacting one-dimensional spinor gases
F Deuretzbacher, D Becker, J Bjerlin, SM Reimann, L Santos
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013611, 2014
Observing the emergence of a quantum phase transition shell by shell
L Bayha, M Holten, R Klemt, K Subramanian, J Bjerlin, SM Reimann, ...
Nature 587 (7835), 583-587, 2020
Few-body precursor of the Higgs mode in a Fermi gas
J Bjerlin, SM Reimann, GM Bruun
Physical Review Letters 116 (15), 155302, 2016
Spin-chain model for strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures
F Deuretzbacher, D Becker, J Bjerlin, SM Reimann, L Santos
Physical Review A 95 (4), 043630, 2017
Density-functional theory for strongly correlated bosonic and fermionic ultracold dipolar and ionic gases
F Malet, A Mirtschink, CB Mendl, J Bjerlin, EÖ Karabulut, SM Reimann, ...
Physical review letters 115 (3), 033006, 2015
Total current blockade in an ultracold dipolar quantum wire
LH Kristinsdottir, O Karlström, J Bjerlin, JC Cremon, P Schlagheck, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 085303, 2013
Photonic bound states and scattering resonances in waveguide QED
B Bakkensen, YX Zhang, J Bjerlin, AS Sørensen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.06093, 2021
Superfluid-droplet crossover in a binary boson mixture on a ring: Exact diagonalization solutions for few-particle systems in one dimension
L Chergui, J Bengtsson, J Bjerlin, P Stürmer, GM Kavoulakis, ...
Physical Review A 108 (2), 023313, 2023
Probing Majorana modes via local spin dynamics
J Bjerlin, AS Sørensen, S Haas
Physical Review B 106 (3), 035414, 2022
Few-to many-body physics in ultracold gases: An exact diagonalization approach
J Bjerlin
Lund University, 2017
Dipolar particles in a double-trap confinement: Response to tilting the dipolar orientation
J Bjerlin, J Bengtsson, F Deuretzbacher, LH Kristinsdóttir, SM Reimann
Physical Review A 97 (2), 023634, 2018
Two-photon correlations and HOM visibility from an imperfect single-photon source
EM González-Ruiz, J Bjerlin, OADA Sandberg, AS Sørensen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.06679, 2024
Few-body precursor of the Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas-from theory to experiments.
J Bjerlin
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Few-body precursor of the Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas
J Bjerlin, SM Reimann, GM Bruun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.00987, 2015
Density Functional Theory for strongly-correlated ultracold atom gases
FM Giralt, A Mirtschink, J Bjerlin, C Mendl, S Reimann, P Gori-Giorgi
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