Andrew J. Cross
Andrew J. Cross
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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The Recrystallized Grain Size Piezometer for Quartz: An EBSD‐based calibration
AJ Cross, DJ Prior, M Stipp, S Kidder
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017
Ultramylonite generation via phase mixing in high‐strain experiments
AJ Cross, P Skemer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122 (3), 1744-1759, 2017
Using microstructures and TitaniQ thermobarometry of quartz sheared around garnet porphyroclasts to evaluate microstructural evolution and constrain an Alpine Fault Zone geotherm
AJ Cross, S Kidder, DJ Prior
Journal of Structural Geology 75, 17-31, 2015
Temperature and strain controls on ice deformation mechanisms: Insights from the microstructures of samples deformed to progressively higher strains at− 10,− 20 and− 30 C
S Fan, TF Hager, DJ Prior, AJ Cross, DL Goldsby, C Qi, M Negrini, ...
The Cryosphere 14 (11), 3875-3905, 2020
Effects of secondary phases on crystallographic preferred orientations in mylonites
AJ Cross, G Hirth, DJ Prior
Geology 45 (10), 955-958, 2017
Rates of dynamic recrystallization in geologic materials
AJ Cross, P Skemer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (2), 1324-1342, 2019
A phenomenological numerical approach for investigating grain size evolution in ductiley deforming rocks
AJ Cross, S Ellis, DJ Prior
Journal of Structural Geology 76, 22-34, 2015
Using grain boundary irregularity to quantify dynamic recrystallization in ice
S Fan, DJ Prior, AJ Cross, DL Goldsby, TF Hager, M Negrini, C Qi
Acta materialia 209, 116810, 2021
Crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development governs strain weakening in ice: insights from high‐temperature deformation experiments
S Fan, AJ Cross, DJ Prior, DL Goldsby, TF Hager, M Negrini, C Qi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB023173, 2021
The rheological behavior of CO2 ice: application to glacial flow on Mars
AJ Cross, DL Goldsby, TF Hager, IB Smith
Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL090431, 2020
How does viscosity contrast influence phase mixing and strain localization?
AJ Cross, E Olree, H Couvy, P Skemer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020
Time-lapse misorientation maps for the analysis of electron backscatter diffraction data from evolving microstructures
J Wheeler, A Cross, M Drury, RM Hough, E Mariani, S Piazolo, DJ Prior
Scripta Materialia 65 (7), 600-603, 2011
Kinking facilitates grain nucleation and modifies crystallographic preferred orientations during high-stress ice deformation
S Fan, DJ Prior, TF Hager, AJ Cross, DL Goldsby, M Negrini
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 572, 117136, 2021
Using misorientation and weighted Burgers vector statistics to understand intragranular boundary development and grain boundary formation at high temperatures
S Fan, J Wheeler, DJ Prior, M Negrini, AJ Cross, TF Hager, DL Goldsby, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (8), e2022JB024497, 2022
Microstructural evolution under non-steady state deformation in mid-crustal ductile shear zones
AJ Cross
University of Otago, 2015
Structure and origin of the Crozet Plateau and Conrad Rise, SW Indian Ocean: Insights from crustal thickness mapping using 3-D satellite gravity inversion
A Cross, NJ Kusznir, A Alvey
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, V51D-2544, 2011
Validation of subgrain-size piezometry as a tool for measuring stress in polymineralic rocks
RM Goddard, K Kumamoto, L Hansen, D Wallis, AJ Cross, CA Thom
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Nonlinear viscoelasticity and transient creep of the upper mantle in response to large stress changes
D Hein, LN Hansen, AJ Cross, R Goddard, KM Kumamoto, C Thom, ...
AGU fall meeting abstracts 2022, MR13A-08, 2022
Large volume torsion (LVT) apparatuses for rock deformation at high pressure and temperature
P Skemer, H Couvy, AJ Cross, JAH Littleton, C Bollinger
Review of Scientific Instruments 96 (2), 2025
Electrical conductivity and sound velocities of talc under high pressure and high temperature conditions and application to the subducting Cocos plate
M Hao, A Pommier, EA Codillo, MJ Walter, AJ Cross, R Hrubiak, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129 (11), e2024JB029824, 2024
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