Heather M Foran
Heather M Foran
Professor of Psychology, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
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Alcohol and intimate partner violence: A meta-analytic review
HM Foran, KD O'Leary
Clinical psychology review 28 (7), 1222-1234, 2008
Parental burnout around the globe: A 42-country study
I Roskam, J Aguiar, E Akgun, G Arikan, M Artavia, H Avalosse, K Aunola, ...
Affective science 2 (1), 58-79, 2021
Marital functioning, chronic pain, and psychological distress
A Cano, M Gillis, W Heinz, M Geisser, H Foran
Pain 107 (1-2), 99-106, 2004
Problem drinking, jealousy, and anger control: Variables predicting physical aggression against a partner
HM Foran, KD O’Leary
Journal of Family Violence 23, 141-148, 2008
Online health information seeking by parents for their children: systematic review and agenda for further research
C Kubb, HM Foran
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (8), e19985, 2020
A randomized clinical trial of a brief, problem-focused couple therapy for depression
S Cohen, KD O'Leary, H Foran
Behavior therapy 41 (4), 433-446, 2010
Unique risk and protective factors for partner aggression in a large scale Air Force survey
AMS Slep, HM Foran, RE Heyman, JD Snarr
Journal of community health 35, 375-383, 2010
Risk for suicidal ideation in the US Air Force: an ecological perspective.
J Langhinrichsen-Rohling, JD Snarr, AMS Slep, RE Heyman, HM Foran
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79 (5), 600, 2011
Alcohol problems, aggression, and other externalizing behaviors after return from deployment: Understanding the role of combat exposure, internalizing symptoms, and social …
KM Wright, HM Foran, MD Wood, RD Eckford, D McGurk
Journal of Clinical Psychology 68 (7), 782-800, 2012
The role of relationships in understanding the alexithymia–depression link
HM Foran, KD O'Leary
European Journal of Personality 27 (5), 470-480, 2013
Child maltreatment in DSM‐5 and ICD‐11
AMS Slep, RE Heyman, HM Foran
Family process 54 (1), 17-32, 2015
Prevalences of intimate partner violence in a representative US Air Force sample.
HM Foran, AMS Slep, RE Heyman
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 79 (3), 391, 2011
An ecological model of intimate partner violence perpetration at different levels of severity.
AM Smith Slep, HM Foran, RE Heyman
Journal of family psychology 28 (4), 470, 2014
Intimate partner relationship distress in the DSM‐5
HM Foran, MA Whisman, SRH Beach
Family process 54 (1), 48-63, 2015
Enhanced definitions of intimate partner violence for DSM‐5 and ICD‐11 may promote improved screening and treatment
RE Heyman, AMS Slep, HM Foran
Family Process 54 (1), 64-81, 2015
Family problems and family violence: Reliable assessment and the ICD-11
HM Foran, SRH Beach, AS Slep, RE Heyman, MZ Wamboldt, ...
Springer Publishing Company, 2013
Efficacy of interventions to prevent physical and sexual dating violence among adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Piolanti, HM Foran
JAMA pediatrics 176 (2), 142-149, 2022
Psychometric properties of the mood and anxiety symptom questionnaire in patients with chronic pain
ME Geisser, A Cano, H Foran
The Clinical Journal of Pain 22 (1), 1-9, 2006
Measuring COVID-19 related anxiety in parents: Psychometric comparison of four different inventories
C Kubb, HM Foran
JMIR mental health 7 (12), e24507, 2020
Do combat exposure and post-deployment mental health influence intent to divorce?
HM Foran, KM Wright, MD Wood
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 32 (9), 917-938, 2013
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