imran uddin
imran uddin
Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar
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A systematic mapping review on MOOC recommender systems
I Uddin, AS Imran, K Muhammad, N Fayyaz, M Sajjad
IEEE Access 9, 118379-118405, 2021
Benchmark Pashto handwritten character dataset and Pashto object character recognition (OCR) using deep neural network with rule activation function
I Uddin, DA Ramli, A Khan, JI Bangash, N Fayyaz, A Khan, M Kundi
Complexity 2021 (1), 6669672, 2021
Enhancing accessibility for the blind and visually impaired: Presenting semantic information in PDF tables
N Fayyaz, S Khusro
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 35 (7), 101617, 2023
Getting to know ChatGPT: an Introduction to Implementation and Working
A Sami, I Uddin, N Fayyaz, M Bilal, M Shahid, I Ali
Computing technologies, Tools and Applications, 273-277, 2023
Mobile-based appointment system for remote patients
I ud Din, NF Khan
Mobile Devices and Smart Gadgets in Human Rights, 153-170, 2019
Categorized Violent Contents detection in cartoon movies using Deep Learning Model: Mobile Net
NF Khan, A Hussain, IU Din
5th International Conference on Next Generation Computing, 2019
Steganography Based Authentication to Prevent IP Spoofing
N Fayyaz, R Imranuddin, SU Anwar, L Rukh
Life Science Journal 10 (12s), 2013
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