Pierre Dersin
Pierre Dersin
Lulea Technology University
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Potential, challenges and future directions for deep learning in prognostics and health management applications
O Fink, Q Wang, M Svensen, P Dersin, WJ Lee, M Ducoffe
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 92, 103678, 2020
Prognostics and health management for maintenance practitioners-Review, implementation and tools evaluation.
V Atamuradov, K Medjaher, P Dersin, B Lamoureux, N Zerhouni
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management 8 (3), 1-31, 2017
Electrochemical sensors and devices for heavy metals assay in water: the French groups' contribution
L Pujol, D Evrard, K Groenen-Serrano, M Freyssinier, A Ruffien-Cizsak, ...
Frontiers in chemistry 2, 19, 2014
Railway point machine prognostics based on feature fusion and health state assessment
V Atamuradov, K Medjaher, F Camci, P Dersin, N Zerhouni
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 68 (8), 2691-2704, 2018
Machine health indicator construction framework for failure diagnostics and prognostics
V Atamuradov, K Medjaher, F Camci, N Zerhouni, P Dersin, B Lamoureux
Journal of signal processing systems 92, 591-609, 2020
PHM for railway system—A case study on the health assessment of the point machines
HD Ardakani, C Lucas, D Siegel, S Chang, P Dersin, B Bonnet, J Lee
2012 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, 1-5, 2012
Development and evaluation of health monitoring techniques for railway point machines
W Jin, Z Shi, D Siegel, P Dersin, C Douziech, M Pugnaloni, P La Cascia, ...
2015 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), 1-11, 2015
Feasibility sets for steady-state loads in electric power networks
P Dersin, AH Levis
IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 60-70, 1982
A data driven degradation-based model for the maintenance of turnouts: A case study
C Letot, P Dersin, M Pugnaloni, P Dehombreux, G Fleurquin, C Douziech, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (21), 958-963, 2015
Reliability of maintained systems under a semi-Markov setting
S Malefaki, N Limnios, P Dersin
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 131, 282-290, 2014
Systems of systems
P Dersin
IEEE-Reliability Society. Technical Committee on “Systems of Systems, 2014
Some properties of the dual adaptive stochastic control algorithm
P Dersin, M Athans, D Kendrick
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 26 (5), 1001-1008, 1981
Feature selection and fault‐severity classification–based machine health assessment methodology for point machine sliding‐chair degradation
V Atamuradov, K Medjaher, F Camci, N Zerhouni, P Dersin, B Lamoureux
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35 (4), 1081-1099, 2019
Predictive maintenance of moving systems
N Herr, JM Nicod, C Varnier, N Zerhouni, P Dersin
2017 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM-Harbin), 1-6, 2017
Selecting test and maintenance strategies to achieve availability target with lowest life-cycle cost
P Dersin, A Péronne, C Arroum
2008 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 301-306, 2008
Reliability assessment
Z He, L Chen, C Varnier, N Zerhouni, P Dersin, Z Long, X Wang, C Fan
Aggregate feasibility sets for large power networks
P Dersin, AH Levis
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 17 (2), 2163-2168, 1984
Health assessment of railway turnouts: A case study
A Alessi, P La-Cascia, B Lamoureux, M Pugnaloni, P Dersin
PHM Society European Conference 3 (1), 2016
Cost effective maintenance policy: a case study
AP Patra, P Dersin, U Kumar
International Journal of Performability Engineering 6 (6), 595, 2010
Degradation-level assessment and online prognostics for sliding chair failure on point machines
V Atamuradov, K Medjaher, F Camci, P Dersin, N Zerhouni
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (24), 208-213, 2018
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