Felix Mayer
Felix Mayer
TH Köln
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Critical review on life cycle assessment of conventional and innovative waste-to-energy technologies
F Mayer, R Bhandari, S Gäth
Science of the total environment 672, 708-721, 2019
Life cycle greenhouse gas emission from wind farms in reference to turbine sizes and capacity factors
R Bhandari, B Kumar, F Mayer
Journal of Cleaner Production 277, 123385, 2020
Economic and environmental life cycle assessment of organic waste treatment by means of incineration and biogasification. Is source segregation of biowaste justified in Germany?
F Mayer, R Bhandari, SA Gäth, H Himanshu, N Stobernack
Science of The Total Environment 721, 137731, 2020
Life cycle assessment of prospective sewage sludge treatment paths in Germany
F Mayer, R Bhandari, SA Gäth
Journal of Environmental Management 290, 112557, 2021
Life cycle assessment on the treatment of organic waste streams by anaerobic digestion, hydrothermal carbonization and incineration
F Mayer, R Bhandari, SA Gäth
Waste management 130, 93-106, 2021
Evaluation of the energetic and environmental potential of the hydrothermal carbonization of biowaste: Modeling of the entire process chain
N Stobernack, F Mayer, C Malek, R Bhandari
Bioresource technology 318, 124038, 2020
Hydrothermal carbonization of biowaste as an alternative treatment path to current waste management practices in Germany
N Stobernack, F Mayer, C Malek, R Bhandari, H Himanshu
Energy Conversion and Management 244, 114433, 2021
Ökobilanz zu den Leistungen der dualen Systeme im Bereich des Verpackungsrecyclings (Life cycle assessment of the Dual systems’ performance in terms of packaging recycling)
W Bulach, G Dehoust, F Mayer, A Möck
Environmental and economic assessment of waste-to-energy treatment paths for organic waste
F Mayer
Technologiemetallen aus dem Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen unter Berücksichtigung strahlenschutzrechtlicher Vorgaben.
A Spieth-Achtnich, M Buchert, V Ustohalova, C Pistner, F Mayer, ...
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