Brendan Kochunas
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Stability and accuracy of 3D neutron transport simulations using the 2D/1D method in MPACT
B Collins, S Stimpson, BW Kelley, MTH Young, B Kochunas, A Graham, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 326, 612-628, 2016
Overview of development and design of MPACT: Michigan parallel characteristics transport code
B Kochunas, B Collins, D Jabaay, TJ Downar, WR Martin
American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, IL …, 2013
VERA core simulator methodology for pressurized water reactor cycle depletion
B Kochunas, B Collins, S Stimpson, R Salko, D Jabaay, A Graham, Y Liu, ...
Nuclear Science and Engineering 185 (1), 217-231, 2017
An optimally diffusive Coarse Mesh Finite Difference method to accelerate neutron transport calculations
A Zhu, M Jarrett, Y Xu, B Kochunas, E Larsen, T Downar
Annals of Nuclear Energy 95, 116-124, 2016
Digital twin concepts with uncertainty for nuclear power applications
B Kochunas, X Huan
Energies 14 (14), 4235, 2021
Analysis of stabilization techniques for CMFD acceleration of neutron transport problems
M Jarrett, B Kochunas, A Zhu, T Downar
Nuclear Science and Engineering 184 (2), 208-227, 2016
A Hybrid Parallel Algorithm for the 3-D Method of Characteristics Solution of the Boltzmann Transport Equation on High Performance Compute Clusters.
BM Kochunas
Transient analysis of C5G7-TD benchmark with MPACT
Q Shen, Y Wang, D Jabaay, B Kochunas, T Downar
Annals of Nuclear Energy 125, 107-120, 2019
VERA Benchmarking Results for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycles 1-12
A Godfrey, B Collins, KS Kim, J Powers, R Salko, S Stimpson, ...
Physics of Reactors 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st …, 2016
High fidelity modeling of pellet-clad interaction using the CASL virtual environment for reactor applications
KT Clarno, RP Pawlowski, RO Montgomery, TM Evans, BS Collins, ...
Mathematics and Computations, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and …, 2015
VERA core simulator methodology for PWR cycle depletion
B Kochunas, BS Collins, D Jabaay, KS Kim, A Graham, S Stimpson, ...
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Oak Ridge …, 2015
Demonstration of neutronics coupled to thermal-hydraulics for a full-core problem using cobra-tf/mpact
B Kochunas, D Jabaay, B Collins, T Downar
CASL Document CASL-U-2014-0051-000, 2014
Coupled computational fluid dynamics and MOC neutronic simulations of Westinghouse PWR fuel assemblies with grid spacers
J Yan, B Kochunas, M Hursin, T Downar, Z Karoutas, E Baglietto
A multilevel in space and energy solver for 3-D multigroup diffusion and coarse-mesh finite difference eigenvalue problems
BC Yee, B Kochunas, EW Larsen
Nuclear Science and Engineering 193 (7), 722-745, 2019
Improvement of transport-corrected scattering stability and performance using a Jacobi inscatter algorithm for 2D-MOC
S Stimpson, B Collins, B Kochunas
Annals of Nuclear Energy 105, 1-10, 2017
Parallel 3-D method of characteristics in MPACT
B Kochunas, TJ Dovvnar, Z Liu
American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, IL …, 2013
Coupled thermal-hydraulic/neutronics/crud framework in prediction of crud-induced power shift phenomenon
L Zou, H Zhang, J Gehin, B Kochunas
Nuclear Technology 183 (3), 535-542, 2013
Space-dependent wielandt shifts for multigroup diffusion eigenvalue problems
BC Yee, B Kochunas, EW Larsen, Y Xu
Nuclear science and engineering 188 (2), 140-159, 2017
A multilevel in space and energy solver for multigroup diffusion eigenvalue problems
BC Yee, B Kochunas, EW Larsen
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 49 (6), 1125-1134, 2017
Validation and Verification of the MPACT Code
T Downar, B Kochunas, SM Bowman
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2016
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