Nikolaos Nikolakis
Nikolaos Nikolakis
University of Patras - Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS)
Email yang diverifikasi di lms.mech.upatras.gr
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Digital twin-driven supervised machine learning for the development of artificial intelligence applications in manufacturing
K Alexopoulos, N Nikolakis, G Chryssolouris
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 33 (5), 429-439, 2020
A cyber physical system (CPS) approach for safe human-robot collaboration in a shared workplace
N Nikolakis, V Maratos, S Makris
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 56, 233-243, 2019
The digital twin implementation for linking the virtual representation of human-based production tasks to their physical counterpart in the factory-floor
N Nikolakis, K Alexopoulos, E Xanthakis, G Chryssolouris
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 32 (1), 1-12, 2019
A deep learning model for predictive maintenance in cyber-physical production systems using lstm autoencoders
X Bampoula, G Siaterlis, N Nikolakis, K Alexopoulos
Sensors 21 (3), 972, 2021
Dynamic scheduling of shared human-robot manufacturing operations
N Nikolakis, N Kousi, G Michalos, S Makris
Procedia CIRP 72, 9-14, 2018
A quantitative approach to resilience in manufacturing systems
K Alexopoulos, I Anagiannis, N Nikolakis, G Chryssolouris
International Journal of Production Research 60 (24), 7178-7193, 2022
On a containerized approach for the dynamic planning and control of a cyber-physical production system
N Nikolakis, R Senington, K Sipsas, A Syberfeldt, S Makris
Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing 64, 101919, 2020
A cloud-to-edge approach to support predictive analytics in robotics industry
S Panicucci, N Nikolakis, T Cerquitelli, F Ventura, S Proto, E Macii, ...
Electronics 9 (3), 492, 2020
Synthetic datasets for deep learning in computer-vision assisted tasks in manufacturing
C Manettas, N Nikolakis, K Alexopoulos
Procedia CIRP 103 (237-242), 9th, 2021
On a shared human-robot task scheduling and online re-scheduling
N Nikolakis, K Sipsas, P Tsarouchi, S Makris
Procedia CIRP 78, 237-242, 2018
Digital transformation of production planning and control in manufacturing smes-the mold shop case
K Alexopoulos, N Nikolakis, E Xanthakis
Applied Sciences 12 (21), 10788, 2022
A cyber-physical context-aware system for coordinating human-robot collaboration
N Nikolakis, K Sipsas, S Makris
Procedia CIRP 72, 27-32, 2018
A fog computing approach for predictive maintenance
T Cerquitelli, D Bowden, A Marguglio, L Morabito, C Napione, S Panicucci, ...
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2019 International …, 2019
Multi-criteria assembly line design under demand uncertainty
N Papakostas, G Pintzos, C Giannoulis, N Nikolakis, G Chryssolouris
Procedia CIRP 25, 86-92, 2014
Predictive maintenance in smart factories
T Cerquitelli, N Nikolakis, N O’Mahony, E Macii, M Ippolito, S Makris
Springer Singapore, 2021
A microservice architecture for predictive analytics in manufacturing
N Nikolakis, A Marguglio, G Veneziano, P Greco, S Panicucci, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 51, 1091-1097, 2020
A machine learning approach for improved shop-floor operator support using a two-level collaborative filtering and gamification features
N Nikolakis, G Siaterlis, K Alexopoulos
Procedia CIRP 93, 455-460, 2020
An IIoT approach for edge intelligence in production environments using machine learning and knowledge graphs
G Siaterlis, M Franke, K Klein, KA Hribernik, G Papapanagiotakis, ...
Procedia CIRP 106, 282-287, 2022
Intelligent waste management system for metalwork-copper industry
P Aivaliotis, I Anagiannis, N Nikolakis, K Alexopoulos, S Makris
Procedia CIRP 104, 1571-1576, 2021
A Cloud-to-edge Architecture for Predictive Analytics.
D Bowden, A Marguglio, L Morabito, C Napione, S Panicucci, N Nikolakis, ...
EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 2019
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