Gabriella Hauber
Gabriella Hauber
Email yang diverifikasi di utfpr.edu.br
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What kind of disagreement favors reason-giving? Analyzing online political discussions across the broader public sphere
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair, NJB Crepalde
Political Studies 69 (1), 108-128, 2021
Anti-environmentalism and proto-authoritarian populism in Brazil: Bolsonaro and the defence of global agri-business
F Mendes Motta, G Hauber
Environmental Politics 32 (4), 642-662, 2023
The emotional dimensions of reason-giving in deliberative forums
RCM Maia, G Hauber
Policy Sciences 53 (1), 33-59, 2020
Conversação e deliberação sobre questões sensíveis: um estudo sobre o uso das razões que circulam nos media
R Maia, D Cal, G Hauber, VV Oliveira, PGC Rossini, RC Sampaio, ...
Galáxia (São Paulo), 55-72, 2017
Deliberation across a space of reasons: Assessing epistemic changes in group discussions
RCM Maia, D Cal, VV Oliveira, AC Vimieiro, G Hauber, PGC Rossini
Human Communication Research 44 (4), 399-426, 2018
The deliberative system and inter-connected media in times of uncertainty
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023
Conversação sobre violência no Brasil: emoções e demandas por punição em casos de feminicídios e atos infracionais
G Hauber
Doctoral Dissertation, 2021
News Media and Connectivity in Deliberative Systems: Reflections on the Debate about the Brazilian Age of Criminal Responsibility,
G Hauber, FM Motta
Brazilian Political Science Review 15 (1), e0003, 2020
A Teoria do Reconhecimento em tempos de intolerancia: retrocesso cultural e politizacao reativa [Recognition Theory in an Age of Intolerance: Cultural Backlash and Reactive …
R Maia, B Silveira, M Orlandini, G Hauber, P Camelo, L Santa Ines, ...
Midiatizacao,(in) tolerancia e reconhecimento [Mediation,(In) tolerance, and …, 2020
Construção de uma narrativa paralela: os tweets de Bolsonaro durante a pandemia do Covid-19
EA Baptista, G Hauber, M Orlandini
GT25, Mídia e Política, 44º Encontro Anual da ANPOCS. URL: https://www …, 2020
Por que o termo feminicídio incomoda tanto? um estudo de caso de comentários de posts da página do Facebook do Jornal O Globo
G Hauber
cadernos pagu, e205913, 2020
Teaching and Developing Deliberative Capacities: An Integrated Approach to Peer-to-Peer, Playful, and Authentic Discussion-based Learning
RCM Maia, G Hauber, D Cal, A Veloso Leão
Democracy and Education 32 (1), 5, 2024
Learning Deliberative Capacities in Brazilian Schools
RCM Maia, D Cal, G Hauber, AV Leão
Journal of Deliberative Democracy 19 (1), 2023
Bringing the public sphere and the media back to the systemic approach
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair
The deliberative system and inter-connected media in times of uncertainty, 29-43, 2023
Deliberação mediada sobre a redução da maioridade penal no Brasil: emoção, razão e opinião pública.
G Hauber
Ciberlegenda, 2015
Desenvolvendo capacidades para a comunicação democrática: uma abordagem integrada de ensino baseada na deliberação
RCM Maia, G Hauber, AV Leão, LSI Cunha
Comunicação & Educação 29 (1), 43-64, 2024
Reason-Giving across Arenas: Broader Public of Citizens
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair
The Deliberative System and Inter-Connected Media in Times of Uncertainty …, 2023
The Emotional Dimension of Reason-Giving
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair
The Deliberative System and Inter-Connected Media in Times of Uncertainty …, 2023
Justifications as a Linkage Mechanism
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair
The Deliberative System and Inter-Connected Media in Times of Uncertainty, 45-63, 2023
Reason-Giving across Arenas: Elite Actors
RCM Maia, G Hauber, T Choucair
The Deliberative System and Inter-Connected Media in Times of Uncertainty, 65-94, 2023
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