Nicolas Bordenave
Nicolas Bordenave
Research Director - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment INRAE
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Nature and consequences of non-covalent interactions between flavonoids and macronutrients in foods
N Bordenave, BR Hamaker, MG Ferruzzi
Food & function 5 (1), 18-34, 2014
Hydrophobization and antimicrobial activity of chitosan and paper-based packaging material
N Bordenave, S Grelier, V Coma
Biomacromolecules 11 (1), 88-96, 2010
Emerging science on benefits of whole grain oat and barley and their soluble dietary fibers for heart health, glycemic response, and gut microbiota
SM Tosh, N Bordenave
Nutrition reviews 78 (Supplement_1), 13-20, 2020
Water and moisture susceptibility of chitosan and paper-based materials: Structure–property relationships
N Bordenave, S Grelier, F Pichavant, V Coma
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (23), 9479-9488, 2007
The role of meal viscosity and oat β-glucan characteristics in human appetite control: a randomized crossover trial
CJ Rebello, YF Chu, WD Johnson, CK Martin, H Han, N Bordenave, Y Shi, ...
Nutrition journal 13, 1-10, 2014
Acute effect of oatmeal on subjective measures of appetite and satiety compared to a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal: a randomized crossover trial
CJ Rebello, WD Johnson, CK Martin, W Xie, M O’Shea, A Kurilich, ...
Journal of the American college of nutrition 32 (4), 272-279, 2013
Advances on selective C-6 oxidation of chitosan by TEMPO
N Bordenave, S Grelier, V Coma
Biomacromolecules 9 (9), 2377-2382, 2008
Impact of molecular interactions with phenolic compounds on food polysaccharides functionality
CC Dobson, W Mottawea, A Rodrigue, BLB Pereira, R Hammami, ...
Advances in food and nutrition research 90, 135-181, 2019
Does flavor impact function? Potential consequences of polyphenol–protein interactions in delivery and bioactivity of flavan-3-ols from foods
MG Ferruzzi, N Bordenave, BR Hamaker
Physiology & behavior 107 (4), 591-597, 2012
Carotenoid bioaccessibility from whole grain and decorticated yellow endosperm sorghum porridge
EG Kean, N Bordenave, G Ejeta, BR Hamaker, MG Ferruzzi
Journal of Cereal Science 54 (3), 450-459, 2011
Modification of curcumin with polyethylene glycol enhances the delivery of curcumin in preadipocytes and its antiadipogenic property
CY Kim, N Bordenave, MG Ferruzzi, A Safavy, KH Kim
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (3), 1012-1019, 2011
Phenolic compounds mediate aggregation of water-soluble polysaccharides and change their rheological properties: Effect of different phenolic compounds
M Tudorache, N Bordenave
Food Hydrocolloids 97, 105193, 2019
Instant oatmeal increases satiety and reduces energy intake compared to a ready-to-eat oat-based breakfast cereal: a randomized crossover trial
CJ Rebello, WD Johnson, CK Martin, H Han, YF Chu, N Bordenave, ...
Journal of the American College of Nutrition 35 (1), 41-49, 2016
Influence of polysaccharide concentration on polyphenol-polysaccharide interactions
W Dridi, N Bordenave
Carbohydrate Polymers 274, 118670, 2021
Influence of glucan structure on the swelling and leaching properties of starch microparticles
N Bordenave, S Janaswamy, Y Yao
Carbohydrate polymers 103, 234-243, 2014
Inhibition of starch digestion by flavonoids: Role of flavonoid-amylase binding kinetics
AS D'Costa, N Bordenave
Food Chemistry 341, 128256, 2021
Phenolic compounds are less degraded in presence of starch than in presence of proteins through processing in model porridges
MG Ferruzzi, BR Hamaker, N Bordenave
Food chemistry 309, 125769, 2020
Gallic acid reduces the viscosity and water binding capacity of soluble dietary fibers
M Tudorache, JL McDonald, N Bordenave
Food & function 11 (7), 5866-5874, 2020
Oat β‐Glucans: Physicochemistry and Nutritional Properties
M Kale, B Hamaker, N Bordenave
Oats Nutrition and Technology, 123-169, 2013
Orange pomace fibre increases a composite scoring of subjective ratings of hunger and fullness in healthy adults
H Dong, LJ Sargent, Y Chatzidiakou, C Saunders, L Harkness, ...
Appetite 107, 478-485, 2016
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