Ruben Van den Bossche
Ruben Van den Bossche
Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Antwerp
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Cost-optimal scheduling in hybrid iaas clouds for deadline constrained workloads
R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
2010 IEEE 3rd international conference on cloud computing, 228-235, 2010
Online cost-efficient scheduling of deadline-constrained workloads on hybrid clouds
R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (4), 973–985, 2013
Cost-efficient scheduling heuristics for deadline constrained workloads on hybrid clouds
R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
2011 IEEE third international conference on cloud computing technology and …, 2011
IaaS reserved contract procurement optimisation with load prediction
R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
Future Generation Computer Systems 53, 13-24, 2015
An evaluation of the benefits of fine-grained value-based scheduling on general purpose clusters
R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
Future Generation Computer Systems 27 (1), 1-9, 2011
Optimizing IaaS reserved contract procurement using load prediction
R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on, 88-95, 2014
Evaluating the divisible load assumption in the context of economic grid scheduling with deadline-based qos guarantees
W Depoorter, R Van den Bossche, K Vanmechelen, J Broeckhove
2009 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2009
Optimizing a cloud contract portfolio using genetic programming-based load models
S Stijven, R Van den Bossche, E Vladislavleva, K Vanmechelen, ...
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XI, 47-63, 2014
Evaluating Nested Virtualization Support
S Verboven, R Van den Bossche, O Berghmans, K Vanmechelen, ...
retrieved from<>, Feb, 2011
The impact of lime as a replacement of cement-based mortar, on the water absorption and rain penetration of masonry
B Vanderschelden, R Van den Bossche, N Van Den Bossche, V Cnudde, ...
MATEC Web of Conferences 403, 05012, 2024
Cost-aware Resource Management in Clusters and Clouds
R Van den Bossche
Universiteit Antwerpen, 2014
Cost-aware Resource Management in Clusters and Clouds: Proefschrift
R Van den Bossche
Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Departement Wiskunde …, 2014
Grid 2011
E Agullo, M Balman, FZ Boito, R Calheiros, A Caminero, M Canonico, ...
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