Adriano Angelone
Adriano Angelone
Scientific Software Developer, eXact lab
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Superglass phase of interaction-blockaded gases on a triangular lattice
A Angelone, F Mezzacapo, G Pupillo
Physical Review Letters 116 (13), 135303, 2016
Supersolid stripe crystal from finite-range interactions on a lattice
G Masella, A Angelone, F Mezzacapo, G Pupillo, NV Prokof’ev
Physical Review Letters 123 (4), 045301, 2019
Diagnosing Potts criticality and two-stage melting in one-dimensional hard-core boson models
G Giudici, A Angelone, G Magnifico, Z Zeng, G Giudice, T Mendes-Santos, ...
Physical Review B 99 (9), 094434, 2019
Intrinsic dimension of path integrals: Data-mining quantum criticality and emergent simplicity
T Mendes-Santos, A Angelone, A Rodriguez, R Fazio, M Dalmonte
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030332, 2021
Gauge-theoretic origin of Rydberg quantum spin liquids
PS Tarabunga, FM Surace, R Andreoni, A Angelone, M Dalmonte
Physical Review Letters 129 (19), 195301, 2022
Finite-temperature critical behavior of long-range quantum Ising models
E Gonzalez Lazo, M Heyl, M Dalmonte, A Angelone
SciPost Physics 11 (4), 076, 2021
Universal quantum behavior of interacting fermions in one-dimensional traps: From few particles to the trap thermodynamic limit
A Angelone, M Campostrini, E Vicari
Physical Review A 89 (2), 023635, 2014
Wave-Function Network Description and Kolmogorov Complexity of Quantum Many-Body Systems
T Mendes-Santos, M Schmitt, A Angelone, A Rodriguez, P Scholl, ...
Physical Review X 14 (2), 021029, 2024
Nonequilibrium scenarios in cluster-forming quantum lattice models
A Angelone, T Ying, F Mezzacapo, G Masella, M Dalmonte, G Pupillo
Physical Review A 101 (6), 063603, 2020
Quasicrystalline Bose glass in the absence of disorder and quasidisorder
M Ciardi, A Angelone, F Mezzacapo, F Cinti
Physical Review Letters 131 (17), 173402, 2023
Two holes in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet: A variational study based on entangled-plaquette states
F Mezzacapo, A Angelone, G Pupillo
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155120, 2016
Scalable spin squeezing from critical slowing down in short-range interacting systems
T Roscilde, F Caleca, A Angelone, F Mezzacapo
Physical Review Letters 133 (21), 210401, 2024
Strongly correlated systems of bosons and fermions: a diagrammatic, variational and path integral Monte Carlo study
A Angelone
Université de Strasbourg, 2017
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