Dr. Krishnaraj Chadaga, Ph.D
Dr. Krishnaraj Chadaga, Ph.D
Assistant Prof., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology.
Email yang diverifikasi di learner.manipal.edu - Beranda
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Customized deep learning classifier for detection of acute lymphoblastic leukemia using blood smear images
N Sampathila, K Chadaga, N Goswami, RP Chadaga, M Pandya, ...
Healthcare 10 (10), 1812, 2022
Clinical and laboratory approach to diagnose COVID-19 using machine learning
K Chadaga, C Chakraborty, S Prabhu, S Umakanth, V Bhat, N Sampathila
Interdisciplinary sciences: Computational life sciences 14 (2), 452-470, 2022
A distinctive explainable machine learning framework for detection of polycystic ovary syndrome
VV Khanna, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, S Prabhu, V Bhandage, ...
Applied System Innovation 6 (2), 32, 2023
Application of artificial intelligence techniques for monkeypox: a systematic review
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, N Sampathila, S Nireshwalya, SS Katta, RS Tan, ...
Diagnostics 13 (5), 824, 2023
AI‐assisted tuberculosis detection and classification from chest X‐rays using a deep learning normalization‐free network model
V Acharya, G Dhiman, K Prakasha, P Bahadur, A Choraria, S Prabhu, ...
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 2399428, 2022
Diagnosing COVID-19 using artificial intelligence: A comprehensive review
VV Khanna, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, S Prabhu, R Chadaga, ...
Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics 11 (1), 25, 2022
Deep learning based detection of monkeypox virus using skin lesion images
T Nayak, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, H Mayrose, N Gokulkrishnan, ...
Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices 18, 100243, 2023
Classification of malaria using object detection models
P Krishnadas, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, S Rao, S Prabhu
Informatics 9 (4), 76, 2022
A machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence triage-prediction system for COVID-19
VV Khanna, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, S Prabhu, R Chadaga
Decision Analytics Journal 7, 100246, 2023
A decision support system for diagnosis of COVID-19 from non-COVID-19 influenza-like illness using explainable artificial intelligence
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, V Bhat, N Sampathila, S Umakanth, R Chadaga
Bioengineering 10 (4), 439, 2023
Supervised learning models for the preliminary detection of COVID-19 in patients using demographic and epidemiological parameters
A Pradhan, S Prabhu, K Chadaga, S Sengupta, G Nath
Information 13 (7), 330, 2022
Battling COVID-19 using machine learning: A review
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, BK Vivekananda, S Niranjana, S Umakanth
Cogent Engineering 8 (1), 1958666, 2021
Predicting cervical cancer biopsy results using demographic and epidemiological parameters: A custom stacked ensemble machine learning approach
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, N Sampathila, R Chadaga, S KS, S Sengupta
Cogent Engineering 9 (1), 2143040, 2022
COVID-19 mortality prediction among patients using epidemiological parameters: an ensemble machine learning approach
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, S Umakanth, K Bhat, N Sampathila, R Chadaga
Engineered Science 16 (10), 221-233, 2021
Medical diagnosis of COVID-19 using blood tests and machine learning
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, K Vivekananda Bhat, S Umakanth, N Sampathila
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2161 (1), 012017, 2022
Explainable artificial intelligence approaches for COVID-19 prognosis prediction using clinical markers
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, N Sampathila, R Chadaga, S Umakanth, D Bhat, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1783, 2024
Artificial intelligence for diagnosis of mild–moderate COVID-19 using haematological markers
K Chadaga, S Prabhu, V Bhat, N Sampathila, S Umakanth, R Chadaga
Annals of medicine 55 (1), 2233541, 2023
A decision support system for osteoporosis risk prediction using machine learning and explainable artificial intelligence
VV Khanna, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, R Chadaga, S Prabhu, KS Swathi, ...
Heliyon 9 (12), 2023
Detection of Monkeypox from skin lesion images using deep learning networks and explainable artificial intelligence
T Nayak, K Chadaga, N Sampathila, H Mayrose, G Muralidhar Bairy, ...
Applied mathematics in science and engineering 31 (1), 2225698, 2023
IoT-based greenhouse technologies for enhanced crop production: a comprehensive study of monitoring, control, and communication techniques
N Singh, AK Sharma, I Sarkar, S Prabhu, K Chadaga
Systems Science & Control Engineering 12 (1), 2306825, 2024
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