Eric "Rick" Jellen
Eric "Rick" Jellen
Professor of Plant Genetics, Brigham Young University
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The genome of Chenopodium quinoa
DE Jarvis, YS Ho, DJ Lightfoot, SM Schmöckel, B Li, TJA Borm, ...
Nature 542 (7641), 307-312, 2017
Assessment of genetic diversity patterns in Chilean quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) germplasm using multiplex fluorescent microsatellite markers
FF Fuentes, EA Martinez, PV Hinrichsen, EN Jellen, PJ Maughan
Conservation Genetics 10, 369-377, 2009
Genomic in situ hybridization differentiates between A/D-and C-genome chromatin and detects intergenomic translocations in polyploid oat species (genus Avena)
EN Jellen, BS Gill, TS Cox
Genome 37 (4), 613-618, 1994
Assessment of genetic diversity in the USDA and CIP-FAO international nursery collections of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) using microsatellite markers
SA Christensen, DB Pratt, C Pratt, PT Nelson, MR Stevens, EN Jellen, ...
Plant Genetic Resources 5 (2), 82-95, 2007
The mosaic oat genome gives insights into a uniquely healthy cereal crop
N Kamal, N Tsardakas Renhuldt, J Bentzer, H Gundlach, G Haberer, ...
Nature 606 (7912), 113-119, 2022
Characterization of Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) gene homoeologs in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
PJ Maughan, TB Turner, CE Coleman, DB Elzinga, EN Jellen, JA Morales, ...
Genome 52 (7), 647-657, 2009
Single-molecule sequencing and Hi-C-based proximity-guided assembly of amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) chromosomes provide insights into genome …
DJ Lightfoot, DE Jarvis, T Ramaraj, R Lee, EN Jellen, PJ Maughan
BMC biology 15, 1-15, 2017
A genetic linkage map of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) based on AFLP, RAPD, and SSR markers
PJ Maughan, A Bonifacio, EN Jellen, MR Stevens, CE Coleman, M Ricks, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109, 1188-1195, 2004
The amaranth genome: genome, transcriptome, and physical map assembly
JW Clouse, D Adhikary, JT Page, T Ramaraj, MK Deyholos, JA Udall, ...
The Plant Genome 9 (1), plantgenome2015.07.0062, 2016
A consensus map in cultivated hexaploid oat reveals conserved grass synteny with substantial subgenome rearrangement
AS Chaffin, YF Huang, S Smith, WA Bekele, E Babiker, BN Gnanesh, ...
The plant genome 9 (2), plantgenome2015.10.0102, 2016
SNP discovery via genomic reduction, barcoding, and 454‐pyrosequencing in amaranth
PJ Maughan, SM Yourstone, EN Jellen, JA Udall
The plant genome 2 (3), 2009
Development and Use of Microsatellite Markers for Germplasm Characterization in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
SL Mason, MR Stevens, EN Jellen, A Bonifacio, DJ Fairbanks, ...
Crop Science 45 (4), 1618-1630, 2005
Development, Characterization, and Linkage Mapping of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Grain Amaranths (Amaranthus sp.)
PJ Maughan, SM Smith, DJ Fairbanks, EN Jellen
The Plant Genome 4 (1), 2011
Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for the grain amaranths
MA Mallory, RV Hall, AR McNabb, DB Pratt, EN Jellen, PJ Maughan
Crop science 48 (3), 1098-1106, 2008
Simple sequence repeat marker development and genetic mapping in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)
DE Jarvis, OR Kopp, EN Jellen, MA Mallory, J Pattee, A Bonifacio, ...
Journal of Genetics 87, 39-51, 2008
Model SNP development for complex genomes based on hexaploid oat using high-throughput 454 sequencing technology
RE Oliver, GR Lazo, JD Lutz, MJ Rubenfield, NA Tinker, JM Anderson, ...
BMC genomics 12, 1-15, 2011
Quinoa: Improvement and sustainable production
KS Murphy, J Matanguihan
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Progenitor germplasm of domisticated hexaploid oat
X Zhou, EN Jellen, JP Murphy
Crop science 39 (4), 1208-1214, 1999
SNP discovery and chromosome anchoring provide the first physically-anchored hexaploid oat map and reveal synteny with model species
RE Oliver, NA Tinker, GR Lazo, S Chao, EN Jellen, ML Carson, HW Rines, ...
PLoS One 8 (3), e58068, 2013
EN Jellen, BA Kolano, MC Sederberg, A Bonifacio, PJ Maughan
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Legume Crops and …, 2010
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