Environmental drivers, climate change and emergent diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and their vectors in southern Europe: A systematic review S Brugueras, B Fernández-Martínez, J Martínez-de la Puente, J Figuerola, ... Environmental research 191, 110038, 2020 | 174 | 2020 |
Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds M Bulla, M Valcu, AM Dokter, AG Dondua, A Kosztolányi, AL Rutten, ... Nature 540 (7631), 109-113, 2016 | 151 | 2016 |
Host-Feeding Patterns of Native Culex pipiens and Invasive Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in Urban Zones From Barcelona, Spain J Muñoz, R Eritja, M Alcaide, T Montalvo, RC Soriguer, J Figuerola Journal of medical entomology 48 (4), 956-960, 2011 | 97 | 2011 |
Arbovirus surveillance: first dengue virus detection in local Aedes albopictus mosquitoes in Europe, Catalonia, Spain, 2015 C Aranda, MJ Martínez, T Montalvo, R Eritja, J Navero-Castillejos, ... Eurosurveillance 23 (47), 1700837, 2018 | 79 | 2018 |
Distribution patterns of invasive Monk parakeets(Myiopsitta monachus) in an urban habitat R Rodríguez-Pastor, JC Senar, A Ortega, J Faus, F Uribe, T Montalvo Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 35 (1), 107-117, 2012 | 76 | 2012 |
Parental cooperation in a changing climate: fluctuating environments predict shifts in care division O Vincze, A Kosztolányi, Z Barta, C Küpper, M Alrashidi, JA Amat, ... Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (3), 347-358, 2017 | 72 | 2017 |
Local environment but not genetic differentiation influences biparental care in ten plover populations O Vincze, T Szekely, C Küpper, M AlRashidi, JA Amat, AA Ticó, D Burgas, ... PLoS One 8 (4), e60998, 2013 | 68 | 2013 |
Adapting to urban ecosystems: unravelling the foraging ecology of an opportunistic predator living in cities A Méndez, T Montalvo, R Aymí, M Carmona, J Figuerola, J Navarro Urban Ecosystems 23, 1117-1126, 2020 | 63 | 2020 |
Determinants of the current and future distribution of the West Nile virus mosquito vector Culex pipiens in Spain L Gangoso, D Aragonés, J Martínez-de la Puente, J Lucientes, ... Environmental Research 188, 109837, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Prevalence of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-and/or carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from yellow-legged gulls from Barcelona, Spain A Vergara, C Pitart, T Montalvo, I Roca, S Sabaté, JC Hurtado, R Planell, ... Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 61 (2), 10.1128/aac. 02071-16, 2017 | 54 | 2017 |
One health approach to zoonotic parasites: molecular detection of intestinal protozoans in an urban population of Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, in Barcelona, Spain MT Galán-Puchades, M Trelis, S Sáez-Durán, S Cifre, C Gosálvez, ... Pathogens 10 (3), 311, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Vector competence of Aedes caspius and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes for Zika virus, Spain R Gutiérrez-López, SM Bialosuknia, AT Ciota, T Montalvo, ... Emerging infectious diseases 25 (2), 346, 2019 | 45 | 2019 |
Reducing the availability of food to control feral pigeons: changes in population size and composition JC Senar, T Montalvo, J Pascual, V Peracho Pest management science 73 (2), 313-317, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
First survey on zoonotic helminthosis in urban brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Spain and associated public health considerations MT Galán-Puchades, J Sanxis-Furió, J Pascual, R Bueno-Marí, S Franco, ... Veterinary parasitology 259, 49-52, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
The reproductive capacity of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus is higher in their invasive range JC Senar, JG Carrillo-Ortiz, A Ortega-Segalerva, FSE Dawson Pell, ... Bird Study 66 (1), 136-140, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
Estima de la abundancia de palomas (Columba livia var.) de la ciudad de Barcelona y valoración de la efectividad del control por eliminación de individuos. JC Senar, J Carrillo, L Arroyo, T Montalvo, V Peracho Arxius de Miscel· lània Zoològica 7, 62-71, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Climate change and health in urban areas with a Mediterranean climate: a conceptual framework with a social and climate justice approach M Marí-Dell’Olmo, L Oliveras, LE Barón-Miras, C Borrell, T Montalvo, ... International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (19), 12764, 2022 | 38 | 2022 |
Mosquitoes in an urban zoo: identification of blood meals, flight distances of engorged females, and avian malaria infections J Martínez-de la Puente, R Soriguer, JC Senar, J Figuerola, R Bueno-Mari, ... Frontiers in veterinary science 7, 460, 2020 | 38 | 2020 |
Salmonella paratyphi B and Salmonella litchfield outbreaks associated with pet turtle exposure in Spain S Lafuente, JB Bellido, FA Moraga, S Herrera, A Yagüe, T Montalvo, ... Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiologia clinica 31 (1), 32-35, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Ectoparasite sharing among native and invasive birds in a metropolitan area E Mori, JP Sala, N Fattorini, M Menchetti, T Montalvo, JC Senar Parasitology research 118, 399-409, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |