Fractional-order models of supercapacitors, batteries and fuel cells: a survey TJ Freeborn, B Maundy, AS Elwakil
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy 4, 1-7, 2015
242 2015 Measurement of supercapacitor fractional-order model parameters from voltage-excited step response TJ Freeborn, B Maundy, AS Elwakil
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 3 (3 …, 2013
237 2013 Reevaluation of performance of electric double-layer capacitors from constant-current charge/discharge and cyclic voltammetry A Allagui, TJ Freeborn, AS Elwakil, BJ Maundy
Scientific reports 6 (1), 38568, 2016
220 2016 Field programmable analogue array implementation of fractional step filters TJ Freeborn, B Maundy, AS Elwakil
IET circuits, devices & systems 4 (6), 514-524, 2010
189 2010 On the practical realization of higher-order filters with fractional stepping B Maundy, AS Elwakil, TJ Freeborn
Signal Processing 91 (3), 484-491, 2011
177 2011 Review of fractional-order electrical characterization of supercapacitors A Allagui, TJ Freeborn, AS Elwakil, ME Fouda, BJ Maundy, AG Radwan, ...
Journal of Power Sources 400, 457-467, 2018
154 2018 A novel current-mode instrumentation amplifier based on operational floating current conveyor YH Ghallab, W Badawy, KVIS Kaler, BJ Maundy
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement 54 (5), 1941-1949, 2005
122 2005 Approximated fractional order Chebyshev lowpass filters T Freeborn, B Maundy, AS Elwakil
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 832468, 2015
118 2015 High-quality factor asymmetric-slope band-pass filters: a fractional-order capacitor approach P Ahmadi, B Maundy, AS Elwakil, L Belostotski
IET circuits, devices & systems 6 (3), 187-197, 2012
105 2012 A low frequency oscillator using a super-capacitor AS Elwakil, A Allagui, BJ Maundy, C Psychalinos
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 70 (7), 970-973, 2016
97 2016 Versatile precision full-wave rectifiers for instrumentation and measurements SJG Gift, B Maundy
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 56 (5), 1703-1710, 2007
92 2007 Extracting the parameters of the double-dispersion Cole bioimpedance model from magnitude response measurements TJ Freeborn, B Maundy, AS Elwakil
Medical & biological engineering & computing 52, 749-758, 2014
87 2014 Extracting the Cole-Cole impedance model parameters without direct impedance measurement AS Elwakil, B Maundy
Electron. Lett 46 (20), 1367-1368, 2010
86 2010 Approximated fractional-order inverse Chebyshev lowpass filters TJ Freeborn, AS Elwakil, B Maundy
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 35, 1973-1982, 2016
83 2016 A new design topology for low-voltage CMOS current feedback amplifiers BJ Maundy, AR Sarkar, SJ Gift
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 53 (1), 34-38, 2006
77 2006 Approximation of the Fractional-Order Laplacian As a Weighted Sum of First-Order High-Pass Filters AM AbdelAty, AS Elwakil, AG Radwan, C Psychalinos, BJ Maundy
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 65 (8), 1114-1118, 2018
76 2018 A new second-order all-pass filter in 130-nm CMOS P Ahmadi, B Maundy, AS Elwakil, L Belostotski, A Madanayake
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 63 (3), 249-253, 2015
67 2015 Fractional Resonance‐Based RL β C α Filters TJ Freeborn, B Maundy, A Elwakil
Mathematical problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 726721, 2013
67 2013 On a multivibrator that employs a fractional capacitor B Maundy, A Elwakil, S Gift
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 62, 99-103, 2010
66 2010 Fractional-step Tow-Thomas biquad filters TJ Freeborn, B Maundy, A Elwakil
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE 3 (3), 357-374, 2012
63 2012