S Gurubaran
S Gurubaran
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (1995-), Physical Research Laboratory (1987-1995)
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Variabilities of mesospheric tides and equatorial electrojet strength during major stratospheric warming events
S Sridharan, S Sathishkumar, S Gurubaran
Annales Geophysicae 27 (11), 4125-4130, 2009
Duskside enhancement of equatorial zonal electric field response to convection electric fields during the St. Patrick's Day storm on 17 March 2015
S Tulasi Ram, T Yokoyama, Y Otsuka, K Shiokawa, S Sripathi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121 (1), 538-548, 2016
Seasonal variabilities of low-latitude mesospheric winds
R Rajaram, S Gurubaran
Annales Geophysicae 16 (2), 197-204, 1998
Planetary wave coupling (5–6-day waves) in the low-latitude atmosphere–ionosphere system
DV Pancheva, PJ Mukhtarov, NJ Mitchell, DC Fritts, DM Riggin, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 70 (1), 101-122, 2008
Mesosphere/lower thermosphere prevailing wind model
Y Portnyagin, T Solovjova, E Merzlyakov, J Forbes, S Palo, D Ortland, ...
Advances in Space Research 34 (8), 1755-1762, 2004
Stratospheric warming effects on the tropical mesospheric temperature field
MG Shepherd, DL Wu, IN Fedulina, S Gurubaran, JM Russell, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 69 (17-18), 2309-2337, 2007
Interannual variability of diurnal tide in the tropical mesopause region: A signature of the El Nino‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
S Gurubaran, R Rajaram, T Nakamura, T Tsuda
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (13), 2005
The mesospheric quasi-2-day wave over Tirunelveli (8.7 N)
S Gurubaran, S Sridharan, TK Ramkumar, R Rajaram
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 63 (10), 975-985, 2001
The equatorial counter electrojet: Part of a worldwide current system?
S Gurubaran
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (9), 51-1-51-4, 2002
The geospace response to variable inputs from the lower atmosphere: a review of the progress made by Task Group 4 of CAWSES-II
J Oberheide, K Shiokawa, S Gurubaran, WE Ward, H Fujiwara, MJ Kosch, ...
Progress in earth and Planetary science 2, 1-31, 2015
Variabilities of mesospheric tides during sudden stratospheric warming events of 2006 and 2009 and their relationship with ozone and water vapour
S Sridharan, S Sathishkumar, S Gurubaran
Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 78, 108-115, 2012
Radar observations of long‐term variability of mesosphere and lower thermosphere winds over Tirunelveli (8.7° N, 77.8° E)
S Sridharan, T Tsuda, S Gurubaran
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D23), 2007
Long‐term variability in the mesospheric tidal winds observed by MF radar over Tirunelveli (8.7 N, 77.8 E)
S Gurubaran, R Rajaram
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (8), 1113-1116, 1999
On the importance of wave‐like structures in the occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles: A case study
VL Narayanan, A Taori, AK Patra, K Emperumal, S Gurubaran
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A1), 2012
Long‐term variability of mean winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere at low latitudes
N Venkateswara Rao, T Tsuda, DM Riggin, S Gurubaran, IM Reid, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 117 (A10), 2012
On the application of differential phase measurements to study the zonal large scale wave structure (LSWS) in the ionospheric electron content
ST Ram, M Yamamoto, RT Tsunoda, SV Thampi, S Gurubaran
Radio Science 47 (02), 1-10, 2012
MF radar observations of 6.5-day wave in the equatorial mesosphere and lower thermosphere
P Kishore, SP Namboothiri, K Igarashi, S Gurubaran, S Sridharan, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 66 (6-9), 507-515, 2004
OI 630.0‐nm dayglow in the region of equatorial ionization anomaly: Temporal variability and its causative mechanism
R Sridharan, SA Haider, S Gurubaran, R Sekar, R Narayanan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 97 (A9), 13715-13721, 1992
Imaging observations of upper mesospheric nightglow emissions from Tirunelveli (8.7oN)
VL Narayanan, S Gurubaran, K Emperumal
92.60. hw; 92.60. hh; 92.60. hc, 2009
Radar observations of the 3.5-day ultra-fast Kelvin wave in the low-latitude mesopause region
S Sridharan, S Gurubaran, R Rajaram
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 64 (8-11), 1241-1250, 2002
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